Oct 02, 2010 21:59
The 'going to the gym' part of my break didn't go so hot - my shoulder and back were both killing me and I was miserable after just 10 minutes on the bike - but the gaming part of the program was better. I was the first person there by a substantial margin, so I helped with setting up. Which for me was feeding the guinea pigs :) Only played a few games and lost all of them, although I lost Ticket to Ride by 1 point. There is a board game based on the Constitutional Convention now. Yes, you too can decide which delegates are Federalists and which ones are anti-Federalists and vote on Articles to the Constitution. I didn't finish last, thanks to my hero Benjamin Franklin giving me a points blitz in the last round, but still I was 4th of 5.
But mostly it was a change of scenery from home/work and a break from Mom, so a big help. Now a little football before bed.
ticket to ride