Oct 01, 2008 09:51
It's almost time for Eastern Media Con, I spent all of Rosh Hashanah packing (Jewish holidays can be very convenient if you're not Jewish) and I'm almost set, except for two big problems. By the time I finished packing, it was pouring down rain. So the van isn't loaded. Guess what it's supposed to do today after work? Rain. Getting things loaded without getting them wet will not be fun.
The other nuisance - EMC is having a 'Crazy Hat Night' Saturday and I announced I was going to wear my Jayne Cobb hat. (If you've seen Firefly, you know which one I mean.) I'd seen it lying around recently. So naturally - I can't find it for the life of me. Pretty much tore apart the upstairs and the basement looking for it with no results. And it's not like it's hard to see. So getting very, very frustrated.
eastern media con