Apr 10, 2010 21:38
I exaggerate a bit - I left the Baysox game at 8:30 and while it was getting colder, it wasn't miserable yet. I'm told last night was not only cold, but the wind was blowing a lot. Thursday's game was suspended due to downpours. So tonight wasn't so bad. But my feet and back were killing me and I was dozing off with an hour drive ahead of me, so I boogied in the sixth inning with the score tied 2-2. This year's Baysox include two guys with the last name of Britton (not related), two guys named Figueroa (as related as you can get - identical twins) and three pitchers named Zack. Name game time...and I'm feeling very old again. Two players on the team were born after I was already in college and I'm older than the pitching coach. I must be a geezer.
Also stopped by the last Hollywood Video in Maryland, which is going out of business. They weren't in full sale mode yet but I picked up a couple things in the $4-5 range, including a couple Alan Tudyk flicks I didn't have and the timeless 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. And a stop by a game shop, they didn't have the accessories I hoped for but I did snag a copy of Ubongo. And now I'm home and nearly asleep, so off I go.
alan tudyk,