On What People Post in Their Journals

Jan 06, 2010 18:45

Because people are paranoid, I should explain that this is about three things I saw on my friends page today, all relating to friends cuts.

Over the years in my time on LJ, I've made and lost friends. People post stuff you don't like, or aren't interested in, and sometimes you scroll past, sometimes you go your separate ways. There have been a couple of people recently where I just thought that I was either always scrolling past their posts because I found them boring or always scrolling past them because they annoyed me, and that said it was probably time to let things go, quietly and without flouncing at them (because not wanting to see Republican politics or ultrasound scans of people's unborn babies is my problem, not theirs). However, there's something I firmly believe about each and every one of your journals, and it's that they're just that. YOUR JOURNALS. If you want to be rude, go ahead. If you want to let off steam, fine. If you want to talk about stuff I don't know about, maybe I'll read and find it educational. Maybe I won't. If I don't understand what the hell you're on about, I may ask you or just give you time to work out what to say. If I don't understand what you're on about most of the time, I'll probably just give up but we all have off days.

There are some things I won't do though, like try to tell you what you should put in your journal. I will not tell you which journal or networking service to post on. I've made clear that I'm not reading anyone's Twitter, and if you only post there I'll miss you, but that's your decision. I will not tell you what to read, write, like or dislike. And I won't stand for anyone telling me that. Join me in that or not. Still, your journal.

ETA: There are a very small number of things I will cut people for doing just once. And it's probably quite obvious what they are, but if you can't work it out, they mostly relate to being a misogynistic douchebag. In the event that anyone turns out to be one, I have no idea why they'd want to read this journal and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't miss me.

ETA 2: I should explain that I can barely move around at work without bumping into somebody who wants to talk about their upcoming/recent wedding, somebody who wants to talk about their pregnancy or somebody who wants to talk about their baby/toddler. I am lost in those sorts of conversation. It is not anyone else's fault that I get that at work, but for the forseeable future I can't handle it online as well. I'm sure everyone else on the whole of LJ loves reading about it, and even if they don't, if that's what you want to post, go ahead.

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