Aug 05, 2004 15:36
Why? Cuz I'm that insane.
Anyway, here goes.
Friday, Warped Tour. Didnt wanna go, but free ticket from Diana, so I went. Super sunburn of doom.
Highlights: Punk-rock Gabe reemerged to skank/mosh like the maniac that he is. Got out some much needed testosterone, now I can go back to being a girly-man. Bad Religion was awesome, NOFX was too, Lars Fredrickson OWNED. I was the shizz.
Also, I found out that the International Noise Conspiracy are fucking amazing live and are a really good band. Whoever told me that they were shitty needs to choke on some cock cuz they were wrong about that.
Weekend I dont much remember, worked alot, hung out with Diana.
Monday, went to Castle with Lady Di(e). Snuck out to go skiing with Justin. Got back and got screamed at by psycho-splitface. Pretty much locked in what I've been thinking all along.
She's not the one.
izzyannamoranna: Your Lillith is in Capricorn. <333
AimForMyFace: she was so hot on cheers
AimForMyFace: oh man
izzyannamoranna: The moon, not Frasier's ex-wife.
Random girls from Canada, what can you do?
Tuesday woke up at Bryan's somehow. Went thrift-storing and Sonic ONION RUUUIII! Bought an Elvis bust which will go on my mantle when I have one, or maybe a dining room table centerpiece. Went to work and then got picked up by a hooker (Cory) and went to Bryan's and then to Denny's where we were as disgusting and loud and obnoxious as physically possible until Madam Jappy made us leave. Yelled rudeness out the windows to the homeless and then went home.
Yesterday, did not leave the house ONCE. Best day ever.
Forcast: Tonite, get obliterated until I can't even dance. I dont care. I dont even really like going there anymore because the misery of my life is infecting everything that I do. I need one night where I can just be disgustingly obscenely hammered, and thats tonite, cuz I dont work tomorrow.
Tomorrow, lay around until Erica comes over, watch movies that shes bringing, maybe get to make some.
I've been missing alot of people lately. Missing the way things were. Funny, when I moved here I missed the times I had in Ft. Myers with Shane and Stephie and everyone. Now I've been here two years, and I'm missing the way things were from when I moved here up to about a few months ago. Everything is just sliding away from me more and more as time goes on, and there's nothing for me to hold on to.
All the things I really loved in life I either never had at all, had very briefly just long enough to know I'd be happy with it then gotten it yanked away, or had for a while and watched as it slowly drifted out of my life.
So many "what if"s run through my head, and I just can't seem to put these things to rest. THEY WILL NEVER HAPPEN! GET THE FUCK OVER IT! YOU ARE A LOSER!
But I can't.
And the only thing that keeps me from thinking about all these things is making NEW things to think about. But right now, in my present situation of having nothing and nothing to offer, I really can't do that. So I'm left with my thoughts and dreams and wishes.
I really don't enjoy being me most of the time.