(no subject)

Sep 15, 2004 09:53

Age of first kiss: kindergarten...I was advanced for my age...

Number of people you've kissed: No fucking clue. We will round it to 50 and kelli can vouch for me if anyone doubts my amazing kissing list!

Friend you would like to kiss: Can we go with friend of a friend? Cause there's this mad hot silent kid in springs that hangs around the mallrats...But i dont know his name...but I'd so do him! Cept he might be 15...so pedophilia. But I still wanna hit that shit either way.

French kissing is:fucking hot in that passionate make-put scenario

the worst kind of kiss is: too much spit? Or if they're sick...Bleck

The best kisser you know: Travis or Greg. Toss up.

The worst kisser you know: EMRY! I dont even want to talk about this one...let's just say i showered for 4 hours straight afterwards

The celebrity you'd like to kiss: Johnny Depp...Or Conan O'Brien...he's so unconventionally hot

Do you kiss on the first date? I dont do dates...But if I did...Probably.

Eyes open or closed? closed

Average number of kisses you get a day: When travis is here I get many many and sweet sweet loving. If I'm in springs, I seem to get more action...

Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend?: yeah but in my defense, he was my ex.

The last person you kissed: travy <3

Best place to be kissed: shoulder blades and neck/collarbone

Have you kissed someone of the same sex? yes

What about the opposite sex? what a stupid fucking question

Do you consider kissing cheating? Ya but you just dont get caught and its all good

The longest you've gone without a kiss: damn i dont know. um like maybe a year in 9th grade?

The kiss you regret most is: Kyle. I should never have let him kiss me.

Kissing in public is: exhilirating

A tongue ring is: Overrated

Two girls kissing is: lipstick lesbians. reminds me of my girlfriend

Two guys kissing is: is one in drag? its just something about those cross dressers that gets me going

Best kiss you ever had: The first time i kissed travis. I was terrified but it was absolutely amazing. My heart has never beaten so quickly before in my life. And every time i kiss him its still that good.

What fictional character do you most want to kiss?: Christian Slater's character from Heathers.

Soft lips or firm lips?: soft lips rule mother fucker!
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