Nov 24, 2004 08:26
I was just thinking how much things have changed since I last left Cornell for fall break about a month and a half ago. First of all, I have almost completely decided not to do the teaching program. I don't want to spend half of my time here not at Cornell. I want to take advantage of all that I can. I've already missed out on a lot of classes next semester that I would've liked to take, but I haven't because of my fieldwork. I am not ready to settle on something just yet. Who doesn't want to flounder around in their early 20s figuring out what to do with their life? I've decided I want to go to graduate school and just take a little more time to figure it all out. There's so many random jobs out there. Carla was telling me what her sister-in-law does. She works for an organization that helps at risk mothers (teenagers, drug addicts, alcoholics, etc) during their pregnancy. She teachers them parenting skills, good nutrition, how to child-proof the house etc. She then follows up with each family until the child is 3 years old. That just sounded really cool to me. I definitely want to do something where I am helping people and really making a difference. I don't want to settle on one thing just because I don't know what else is out there. So, here's to having no clue what to do with my life! I think I am just going to embrace it.
Speaking of embracing things, I need to work on that with a certain crush. In the words of my wise roomate, "Megan, it's not going anywhere, you might as well embrace it!" I am thus limited to only two mean comments about him a day. Easier said then done. I can't figure out what I am so hesistant about. I would like to think it's because he's been such an asshole to me in the past, rather than just for superficial physical reasons. I'm not really sure what it is though. All I know is I spent all last night hoping to hang out with him, but I refused to ask. Had he asked me, I don't even know what I would've said. I don't know why I make such a big deal out of things. Friends can hang out. It doesn't have to mean anything. Still, I am not getting over I should work on coming to terms with the fact that I LIKE HIM. There I said it. Admitting it is the first step (on the lj of course!)
Monday night, Liz Bennett, Liz Miller, and I made EH some chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting for her birthday along with some funfetti cupcakes (::cough::cough::). We all sang happy birthday to her, then a bunch of us just chilled in the lounge for a few hours in our pjs. It was me, bennett, miller, EH, usa, C with MN pretending he was too good for our conversation, but listening to every word anyway. It was so much fun. We just sat there, singing, laughing, being stupid, teasing each other, just all around having a good time. I think it was one of my favorite Cornell times. I am not letting any boys come between any of us because I love them all too much. For the first time, I am starting to feel like I have a group of friends that are as important to me as my friends at home. Not that I haven't been close to C and Bennett for a while now, but I don't know, I feel closer to them this year. I am incredibly excited to go home and see everyone there because I miss them so much. But when I leave to come back here, I won't be sad. Instead, I will be excited to see EH and find out how spending Thanksgiving in Canada was, tell Liz Miller about how pathetic I was last night, tell C how lonely the room was without her, tease Bennett about a certain MN the original. We need to make more free time just to spend with each other and relax for a while. I love you guys :)
Long Island tonight...WOOT! I can't wait just to run up and hug everyone and catch up for hours and hours and hours.