I like how I keep getting commands to make these. XD Make them yourselves. Anyway! There's like a million here, since you people crack me up so much.
Elladan: >.> Have you seen my brother?
anachronisma: >.> no.
Elladan: Well. I tried. *goes back to drinking*
Aragorn: ...do we need to go on a search?
Elladan: No. We have lots of alcohol right here.
Aragorn: I meant for your brother.
Elladan: Oh. >.> Can't we let Arwen do that?
Aragorn: ...why would you let Arwen do anything important O_o.
Elladan: Because then I don't have to?
Aragorn: Well if it doesn't matter why bother.
Elladan: She's mean. She'll just bitch that I did it wrong, anyway. So I let her do things.
Aragorn: >.>
Elladan: She does!
Aragorn: I believe you.
Elladan: She scares me, sometimes.
Aragorn: Yes I know that feeling.
Elladan: Why can't I have a nice sister? Like... umn... *can't think of any nice sisters*
Aragorn: Like Finduilas of Dol Amroth.
Elladan: Sure! She works.
- - - - -
Beleg: ...I like soup! *likes making Turin guess what vegetables/edible weeds those are floating in it*
lirimaer: soup is good *nods*
lirimaer: I've definitely made that over a fire many times
lirimaer: and pizza! pizza over a campfire is great
Beleg: Because I am an elf I have never had pizza.
lirimaer: I'm so sorry, Beleg. It's very tasty. It's like bread and vegetables and cheese all cooked together
Beleg: but I've had bread and vegetables and cheese before.
lirimaer: probably, but the way it's done with pizza is divine. Trust me on this
Beleg: I'll take your word for it.
- - - - -
anachronisma: i am ready to rip holes in something
lirimaer: I'd recommend Fingon. ;) He seems to be popular for that right now
anachronisma: nah i feel sorry for him.
lirimaer: XD
anachronisma: i mean he was kind of tricked into it. by nature of his stupidity.
lirimaer: so it's Ame's fault, then?
anachronisma: well you can't undo stupid things you've done
lirimaer: true
anachronisma: I know whose fault it is!
anachronisma: GLORFINDEL'S xp
lirimaer: XD
lirimaer: yes
anachronisma: never sell to overeager buyers
- - - - -
lirimaer: why do I keep trying to mix up Finrod/Fingon/Turgon's names? Why?
anachronisma: because
anachronisma: they're all the same XP
lirimaer: XD
lirimaer: are not
anachronisma: are too XP
lirimaer: about as the same as Aragorn and Arathorn
lirimaer: and Boromir and Faramir
anachronisma: dude
anachronisma: Arathorn is a non-entity!
anachronisma: for all we know
anachronisma: he IS just like Aragorn
- - - - -
awwwwfisher_queen: AWWWW
lirimaer: it's like Fingon/Ame kitties!
fisher_queen: yees
lirimaer: and you want to snuggle them!
lirimaer: until you compare them to Fingon and Ame
lirimaer: then they become dirty
- - - - -
Ameniel: I want to see all the pretty pictures and bad sex stories too!
lirimaer: No, you -are- a bad sex story
Ameniel: :o !!! ;-;
fisher_queen: HAHAHA
Ameniel: Fingon! She said I was bad at sex. ;-;
fisher_queen: I think she meant its more
fisher_queen: the sort of sex other people stare at
fisher_queen: in awe and horror because they cant imagine it
fisher_queen: and the fact that sleeping with FINGON
fisher_queen: is probably a bad sex story
lirimaer: yes. oh gods yes
- - - - -
lirimaer: you will not believe what I'm doing. I barely believe it
Fingolfin: She's trying to spite me. I'm letting her because I find it laughable.
fisher_queen: haaaaa
fisher_queen: in what way?
Dr. Jones: This one's tried to spite Dad before. That was funny
fisher_queen: I won too
fisher_queen: your father does not scare me
lirimaer: ImaybewritingthatFingon/FigolfinficIthreatened >.>
- - - - -
Fingolfin: ...I think I forgot my knitting needles in Gondolin D:
fisher_queen: Alas
fisher_queen: I bet Fingon finds them
fisher_queen: and cries
Fingolfin: Good
- - - - -
Ameniel: *stocks up on tissues for Fingon*
fisher_queen: XDD
Ameniel: He needs them *nods* Though, he can use my chest, too, if he'd like. I don't mind :)
Fingon: :D I love you
- - - - -
Maglor: We need to celebrate. But we're mourning if either of them come by >.>
fisher_queen: <.<
Maglor: ;) Does Cara know yet?
fisher_queen: Im not sure
fisher_queen: where IS he anyway
fisher_queen: hell where is ELFWINE
Maglor: I don't know
Maglor: Are they together? :o
fisher_queen: I dont think so
Maglor: Well that's no fun *was kind of hoping her brother was having a torrid affair*
fisher_queen: Yeah really
- - - - -
o.ofisher_queen: Oh god
fisher_queen: LMAO
lirimaer: who is it?
fisher_queen: I have no idea
fisher_queen: no one mentioned it to moi
lirimaer: me either
Fingon: father of my assbaby!
fisher_queen: oh god
fisher_queen: i have urges sometimes
fisher_queen: to PLAY the assbaby
fisher_queen: only
fisher_queen: yeah
lirimaer: do NOT use the movie version
fisher_queen: I cant do THAT
fisher_queen: XDDD
fisher_queen: I imagine any spawn of Fingon's
fisher_queen: would be so straightlaced and unlike him
fisher_queen: i'd have to find
fisher_queen: some yuppie looking pb
- - - - -
lirimaer: dear Fingon: Maglor may have already fucked your chances of getting back with Maedhros
lirimaer: at least she's trying real real hard to do so
Fingon: shit
lirimaer: aren't you glad you trust her?
Fingon: I AM
- - - - -
lirimaer: ...and Turgon is pouting at me. No you cannot go play with Maglor right now.
Turgon: :(
- - - - -
lirimaer: *adds "nolofinweans" to her LJ interests, even though she already has fingolfinians listed*
fisher_queen: HEEE
lirimaer: and I'm the ONLY ONE for both
lirimaer: well, Ame and one community of MINE have fingolfinians
lirimaer: but it's still all mine
fisher_queen: awwww
lirimaer: *hoards them*
Fingolfin: I think I'm afraid now.
fisher_queen: HAH
lirimaer: *clings to Nolfin* what a nii- *lets go, hides*
Fingolfin: ...
fisher_queen: AHHAA
Fingolfin: I'm going back to my decorating. You will STAY HERE and attempt to be normal.
lirimaer: ...yessir :(
- - - - -
Turgon: I want a smart brother.
fisher_queen: that would be nice
Turgon: It would. :(
Elfwine: replace 'brother' with 'father' and its my life too *sigh*
Turgon: How about I trade my brother for you?
Elfwine: that'd work out really well
Turgon: It could. You don't keep lists of stupid things, do you?
Elfwine: Not really. I COULD
Turgon: Please don't.
Turgon: Destroy any and all evidence of things adar might get mad at.
Elfwine: Oh I thought you meant stupid things people around me do
Turgon: No.
Turgon: Lists, in general, are dangerous.
Elfwine: anything in writing can be yeah
Turgon: I definitely need to adopt you as my brother.
Elfwine: *smiles*
fisher_queen: that'd be hot
lirimaer: it could be
Turgon: *raises eyebrow*
Elfwine: pervs *amused*
Turgon: He's no where near his majority. I'm not that sex starved.
fisher_queen: Im just a dirty person
Turgon: You are
- - - - -
lirimaer: Fingon? If I wasn't having a torrid affair with your father, I think I'd have to steal you away forever
lirimaer: I could tie you up and keep you in my wardrobe
lirimaer: I would keep you alive with love and cheerios
lirimaer: it would be awesome
Fingon: That would be fun
Fingon: If she had her own
Fingon: We could all have sex
Ameniel: Oooh....
Turgon: ... I'm starting to understand why ada left.
- - - - -
lirimaer: [Fingolfin]'s redecorating Barad Eithel.
lirimaer: it's starting to look quite nice, actually
lirimaer: I fear he might start liking it there
Fingon: e.e
- - - - -
Turgon: Well, Fingon's never going to figure out how to fix things, so my bet is adar won't come.
fisher_queen: Yeeeah *sigh*
Turgon: *pats* I'm sorry you have to live with him. Comfort shag?
fisher_queen: Sure!
Turgon: Cool. *comfort shag*
fisher_queen: *shag!*
Turgon: ;)
- - - - -
Ameniel: Know what the best thing about apples is?
fisher_queen: whaat?
Ameniel: They taste like apple!
fisher_queen: *G*
Ameniel: I might like apples too. >.> Not just baby.
Fingon: *grins* and they're all such DIFFERENT types of apple
Ameniel: They are! And all delicious. Though not as delicious as my strumpet.
fisher_queen: Awww
Fingon: Thank you Bunnykins! :D
Ameniel: Well you -are- very yummy. *nods*
lirimaer: you two are about as deep as a mud puddle, aren't you?
Fingon: ^^ yeeah
Ameniel: *shrugs* It's something we have in common?
lirimaer: ...it's NOT A GOOD THING
fisher_queen: NO ITS NOT
Ameniel: You are just jealous of our love.
- - - - -
Turgon: WAIT! Wait. No! Why does my mun support Fingon sleeping with Maglor when I don't get to? ;-;
fisher_queen: because um
fisher_queen: hmm
lirimaer: because Maglor might actually enjoy being with you, Turgie
Turgon: ... ;-;
- - - - -
lirimaer: I'll hide behind Nolfin
fisher_queen: That's safe :D:D
lirimaer: yes. And there's things to hold on to if I feel scared >.>
Fingolfin: ... NO
fisher_queen: <.<
Fingolfin: We do not discuss any grabbing of me ever. BAD.
lirimaer: ;-; *grabs him anyway*
Fingolfin: *siiiiighs*
- - - - -
lirimaer: ...I'm so sorry Fingon
lirimaer: so so sorry
lirimaer: have you considered life as a small, furry mammal?
Fingon: can't I be a dolphin instead?
fisher_queen: how about a bunny?
- - - - -
Ameniel: :(
Fingon: :( sorry my mun is having a fashion crisis
Ameniel: Why? Just wear nothing. Problem solved.
Fingon: yeah really
- - - - -
Fingon: >.>
Ameniel: >.> What?
Fingon: noothing
Ameniel: Don't make me tie you to the bed again.
Fingon: Do you wnat to be tied instead this time?
Ameniel: Oooh. Can I?
Fingon: YEAH
Ameniel: *grins* I'd like that.
- - - - -
lirimaer: I think Turgon's planning to see if he can run through the Feanorian's faster than [Fingon] can! :o
fisher_queen: *Snorrt*
Caranthir: *girds his loins*
- - - - -
lirimaer: if they're anything like mine, they are only trying to serve the powers of darkness
Fingolfin: Bitch!
Fingolfin: The only power I serve is me. Just like you should.
- - - - -
lirimaer: and, I swear, if Nolfin tells me one more time to "suck it up and take it like a man" I'm arranging for him to sleep with Fingon
- - - - -
Turgon: What do you think, though, does [Maedhros] kiss better or Kana?
Fingon: *considers this*
Fingon: He does more tongue things which are sexy. But...
Fingon: SHE uses her hands
Turgon: *nods* Plus there's the whole "is she going to bite me" thing which adds to it. Or so I think.
Fingon: yeeeah
Turgon: Though, it's also nice to have someone who's not so rough sometimes.
Fingon: That can be fun
Turgon: It would never happen, but I bet both at the same time would be amazing.
Fingon: Oh yeah it WOULD
Turgon: With us and them. *nods* And maybe Ame.
Fingon: that would be fun
Turgon: But you'd never convince Kana. Maybe Finrod?
Fingon: hmmm
Turgon: He's a little shy, but great once he gets into it
Fingon: I bet we could
Turgon: Maybe. I'll talk to him.
- - - - -
lirimaer: Caranthir, do you fancy dwarves?
Caranthir: Mm I haven't really thought about that.
Caranthir: I can't imagine I would though
lirimaer: you do spend an awful lot of time with them in canon
Caranthir: Well they know a lot of things.
lirimaer: it's true
lirimaer: heeey. I'm short and know a lot of things. You could fancy me! ;)
lirimaer: owwww... *was just hit by Nolfin*
fisher_queen: loool
lirimaer: apparantly Feanorians are not on my menu
fisher_queen: *amused*
Fingolfin: Nothing is "on your menu" behave.
- - - - -
fisher_queen: sheep!
lirimaer: what?
fisher_queen: fucking them
lirimaer: Fingon is?
Fingon: *eyeroll* She did a monologue the other day where she told a guy to fuck a sheep. Its in her head
lirimaer: ah
Fingon: I would NOT hit that
lirimaer: that's... reassuring
fisher_queen: what if its a sheep with a nice ass?
Fingon: You are so disturbing
lirimaer: what is Maedhros got turned into a sheep?
fisher_queen: I've just come from a class of the biggest perverts ever.
lirimaer: lol
Fingon: Would he be a red sheep?
lirimaer: he might be!
fisher_queen: do they COME in red
fisher_queen: I know they come in brown
lirimaer: I know little to nothing about sheep
fisher_queen: I collect lambs but
fisher_queen: that doesn't help much
fisher_queen: I know that they dont come in green and pink
- - - - -
lirimaer: Can TRUE LOVE survive your father, Fingon?
Fingon: I hope!
Fingon: It has survived all else
lirimaer: namely your sluttishness?
Fingon: Indeed
- - - - -
Fingon: ...could WE open a brothel?
lirimaer: if you never wish to speak to your father again :D
Fingon: Aww
Turgon: There's probably some free places in the red light district, if you want
Turgon! No encouraging
Turgon: Well, if it's not kin and Fingon's not doing the fucking, adar really doesn't seem to mind the sex trade. He COULD possibly do it
Fingon: Hmmmm
Fingon: I could watch Ame fuck them
Fingon: That would be hot
- - - - -
Turgon: *saves the day by existing?*
- - - - -
lirimaer: you shold go help Nolfin with his home improvement
lirimaer: it'll help increase your favourite status with him
Finrod: Yessss, manual labor.
lirimaer: maybe he'll finally officially adopt you? :p
Finrod:*worry* does that mean I inherit the crazy?
lirimaer: no
lirimaer: I would like to point out that Nolfin is fairly uncrazy when he's not around Fingon or Turgon
- - - - -
lirimaer: so
lirimaer: hypothetically speaking
lirimaer: what would Fefe do if someone raped his daughter?
Feanor: Deliver the smackdown.
lirimaer: that's what I thought. Cool
Feanor: How un-hypothetical is this? And how many family members would I have to take down?
lirimaer: umn. That depends on how Maedhros reacts? >.>
- - - - -
lirimaer: oh *hands Feanor a cookie* John told me to give you that
lirimaer: you can be his friend!
Feanor: *stops mid-glower* Cookie! *omnomnom*
Feanor: *having finished cookie, is now once again on warpath*
nlduffy: Even warlords need teatime
- - - - -
Feanor: *dead calm* Oh no, I won't kill him
lirimaer: what will you do?
Feanor: I will teach him a lesson.
lirimaer: oh?
Feanor: Your humiliation will be more epic.
lirimaer: mine? WHAT?
nlduffy: he meant fingon
nlduffy: sorry
- - - - -
lirimaer: btw, I'm a bad bad girl
nlduffy: ?
nlduffy: O rly?
lirimaer: I miiiiight have added a new puppet >.>
nlduffy: >.<
lirimaer: but she's been nibbling at my brain for a while
lirimaer: I had to fight with Nolfin over it
nlduffy: ??
lirimaer: Anaire
nlduffy: Hahaha
Feanor: Sure, bring Anaire. What about my Nerdanel?
lirimaer: you get someone to fucking play her
lirimaer: I thought you hated each other, anyway?
Feanor: That's beside the point.
lirimaer: right
Feanor: *fingolfin should not get anything I don't have*
lirimaer: hey, you have more of your children then he has of his!
lirimaer: and a daughter!
lirimaer: we don't have Aredhel yet
Feanor: I shouldn't have a daughter!
lirimaer: it's a special bonus!
lirimaer: because I love you? >.>
- - - - -
Finrod: Auntie, Maglor's a girl now, and Fingon's an idiot.
Anaire: Well, Makalaure was always a bit... like that. And Findekano was always a little slow.
- - - - -
Turgon: *pulls some straw out of Fingon's hair*
lirimaer: ^Finrod
lirimaer: omg
lirimaer: XD
Finrod: What's going ON here!
lirimaer: I swear, Finrod/Fingon/Turgon mix me up SO badly
lirimaer: I keep trying to type the wrong one ALL the time
Turgon: D: My mun is made of fail!
Finrod: FREUD!!!!!!
- - - - -
lirimaer: I think I understand now why Nolfin is embarassed to live in my brain
nlduffy: poor nolfin
lirimaer: he can't complain, though, he was having very noisy sex this morning >:|
nlduffy: awww, fefe's jealous
lirimaer: awwww poor fefe. Does he want sex with Nolfin?
lirimaer: wait.
lirimaer: damnit
lirimaer: too much slashfic
- - - - -
lirimaer: I have absolutely no thought as to where this whole Fingon thing is going to go, btw
nlduffy: lol
nlduffy: k
lirimaer: it wasn't even planned to happen, really. It was completely spontaneous
lirimaer: it was like a "Ame and Fingon fuck something" ... nutmeg reviews next day and goes "hey wait, that's rape!"
nlduffy: lolol
lirimaer: didn't even -occur- to me
lirimaer: that's probably bad, isn't it?
- - - - -
Namo: I'm not speaking to him. -_-
- - - - -
Fingolfin: Good! Someone's finally figured it out.
lirimaer: oh, what am I? chicken liver?
Fingolfin: You don't count, I own you.
[Namo mun]: It's funny when they think that. XD
lirimaer: oh, he's proven it a few times
lirimaer: he decides my grocery lists, some days
Namo: *ponder!*
[Namo mun]: No I am not buying you deviled eggs you bastard.
lirimaer: XD
[Namo mun]: And why are you Namo all of a sudden?
Namo: I'm in disguise!
lirimaer: ahaha of course you are
lirimaer: that's like saying Nolofinwe is disguised as Fingolfin
- - - - -
Namo: I thought Nimrod... er. Finrod was IN Barad Eithel?
- - - - -
Namo: Is it bad that I'm taking extreme pleasure in the idea that Fingon will be removed from the gene pool? :D
lirimaer: idk
lirimaer: he's fathered 2 kids already
Namo: Well if they're fingon's kids they're likely to die anyway >.>
lirimaer: XD
lirimaer: umn, one is Gil-Galad
Namo: See?
lirimaer: G-G is THE longest reigning of all Elven kings!
Namo: He still DIES, though.
Namo: *rubs his palms together with glee!* I liked Ereinion though.
Namo: er. Will like him. In the future.
- - - - -
lirimaer: Maglor? Why am I signed into your journal? You already posted today
[Maedhros mun]: because Maglor is the alpha bitch?
lirimaer: she likes to think so
lirimaer: although, in truth, Nolfin owns my soul
- - - - -
lirimaer: my Nolo is merely abusive *nods*
[Maedhros mun]: hehe *loves*
lirimaer: he doesn't even THINK about sex unless his wife is involved
lirimaer: and even then, it's all like only if they're sure no one is around and very hush hush private between them
lirimaer: or so he tells me
[Maedhros mun]: hehehehehhee
lirimaer: so one really has to wonder why Fingon and Turgon are the way they are
[Maedhros mun]: maybe its like when kids from parents who forbid drinking go get drunk all the time in college?
lirimaer: so they ....became incestuous sluts? XD
[Maedhros mun]: well, sluts...
[Maedhros mun]: the incestuous part is...
[Maedhros mun]: genetic? (kidding!)
- - - - -
Ameniel: *does her best to look her cutest* Do I get to meet Maitimo eventually?
[Maedhros mun]: *nods* Maglor promised to introduce you, but I'm sure he'd like to meet you even before that
Ameniel: I'd like that. Especially without Maglor. I don't trust her. *nods*
lirimaer: you SLEPT with her, but you don't trust her?
Ameniel: So?
Ameniel: I don't trust Fingon either.
[Maedhros mun]: Boys aren't very trustworthy, in general.
Ameniel: No, especially not idiot ones. But he's good in bed. And very sweet. So I'll keep him.
- - - - -
Maglor: I like you. You're much better than my mun. Can I come live with you?
[Maedhros mun]: Hehe, ok; it would mean you'd have to live with your brother though too.
Maglor: Oh. Damnit!
[Maedhros mun]: Sorry
Maglor: Can we kick him out?
Maglor: He's just a dirty kinfucker, anyways
- - - - -
lirimaer: dear Maedhros: a plan maaaaay be underway that will give you lots to use against Maglor :)
Maedhros: *beam!*
lirimaer: because she has been a Very Bad Girl and must be punished. Repeatedly
Maedhros: *nods vigorously*
lirimaer: but not in the fun kinky way that Turgon would like to punish her
Maedhros: Right. Although, if that happened I could tell ada that she's a dirty kinfucker!
- - - - -
lirimaer: well. Turgon and Fingon -are- pretty close
lirimaer: they often share bed stories
lirimaer: (and partners)
- - - - -
lirimaer: yeah, Fingon IS a moron that can't be left alone
[Maedhros mun]: it's amazing, really, that Nolo lets him out of sight
lirimaer: XD
lirimaer: it IS
[Maedhros mun]: or that he doesn't have one of those kid-leashes
lirimaer: we actually discussed getting him one
[Maedhros mun]: XD
lirimaer: Nolfin said he couldn't be bothered
[Maedhros mun]: hehe
lirimaer: something about Fingon would probably manage to find a way to choke himself with it
- - - - -
[Maedhros mun]: aww
[Maedhros mun]: Mags is cute, but don't tell her
- - - - -
lirimaer: this is Maglor, she's sweeter than sugar if you're providing her with something she wants
Maglor: Hey! That's not... well, ok yeah it is true. Never mind.
- - - - -
Maedhros: If I theoretically actually loved Fingon, would I be completely screwed?
lirimaer: not necessarily
lirimaer: his parents will never allow it
lirimaer: but if you get Turgon on your side you may be able to carry out a long and healthy love affair without them ever knowing
Maedhros: ...Yeah I didn't mean screwed sexually.
Maedhros: Hmmm...
lirimaer: I can tell you Ame would support it. As long as she got in on some of the loving too
- - - - -
[Maedhros mun]: is death a valid excuse for not doing my homework?
lirimaer: funny, that question has come up before
Turgon: I think we decided the answer was no, last time
lirimaer: yeah, and then I think you shagged Fingon's mun
Turgon: It's possible.
[Maedhros mun]: Shut up, Turgon.
[Maedhros mun]: haha
Turgon: What?
[Maedhros mun]: The correct answer should be "Yes, it's a valid excuse"
Turgon: No, it's not a valid excuse. Would you like a comfort shag?
lirimaer: Turgon...
lirimaer: bad elf
Maglor: I don't want to see this. *hides her eyes* I need a brother to save me.
[Maedhros mun]: tehehe
[Maedhros mun]: but what if I said yes? :P
Turgon: Then you would recieve. ;)
Also? When did we compare Nolfin to Chuck Norris? I'm sure I agreed with someone at some point that we should use Norris jokes as Nolfin jokes in game but I cannot find it. Of course.
Also also (XD) are people ok with how I post quotes? Would you rather I used your names instead of your LJ names? Or just [chara's mun]? all the time? You with multiple would have to pick one, you know.