because we crack me up so thoroughly

Feb 09, 2008 10:54

I am starting a new system as of now! :P If you have any funny quotes from playing, either within journals, or aim/msn/chat things (whether they got stuck into journals or not or are semi-ooc) post 'em here in the community. Just be sure to add the tag "quotes" to them. Then we can all snicker at our own and our puppets' funny moments.


Turgon: *elegant and graceful return embrace that is polite and somewhat masculine* Umn. Finrod? Where are your clothes?
Finrod: Dunno. The pirate probably took them
Turgon: Pirate? Do you want to borrow some of mine?
Finrod: Yes. A pirate. And clothes might be good.
Turgon: Tell me about this pirate. *finds some clothing for Finrod* And try that on.
Finrod: *so sad he has to wear clothes ;_;* He was just there one day. In my cave, asking about rum.
Turgon: Strange. What did you do?
Finrod: I did what any sensible person would do!
Turgon: Gave him rum?
Finrod: Ignored him. When that didn't work, I threw him in the river.
Turgon: Right. That was my second guess.
Finrod: Apparently pirates can swim, the tricky bastard


Fingolfin: But I'm not a vain fucker. Stop thinking that. *glares*
fisher_queen: of course not
fisher_queen: *srs face*
Fingolfin: *suspicious*
lirimaer: he's realized that I've classified my current pups by their predominant trait. There's the vain fucker, the cheerful fucker, and the zen fucker. So he's in denial
fisher_queen: *G*
Fingon: Maybe if we give him a nice mirror he will learn to accept his destiny
Fingolfin: Just because I'm the prettiest son of Finwe doesn't mean I'm vain!
Fingon: Its STARTING! :D
Fingolfin: What? Are you implying something? *glare*
Fingon: That at least you admit you're prettiest so its pointing in the direction of...I left....a the oven


fisher_queen: Tolkien: *rotating faster than any corpse ever should*
lirimaer: haha! serves him right for leaving so much half-done when he died
fisher_queen: XDD
fisher_queen: it was a punishment for Christopher
fisher_queen: that was why
Fingolfin: Good man. Spiting his sons even in death


Fingolfin: Remind me, though, why did we ever decide it was a good idea to let Turgon take care of Aredhel? Or anything, for that matter?
Fingon: I think because he comes off as serious
Fingolfin: What I really want to know is who got the idea to start calling him "the wise"?
fisher_queen: LOL
Fingon: I think he and Hurin had a THING going and that was made up to flatter him
Turin: .........*spews the cereal he stole from mun across the room*


lirimaer: and the utter lack of mention of Fingolfin's wife kinda makes me wonder if the children weren't born in Athena-from-Zeus's-forehead style, although he informed me they would be much more perfect if they had been
Fingon: There would have been no need for beatings ever.
lirimaer: funny, that's about what he said
lirimaer: unfortunately, Fingolfin has also decided he must be the best parent *ever* since he didn't need his wife and Finarfin sent his 4 kids with him...


lirimaer: and poor G-G with his two dads
lirimaer: maybe he was an assbaby :P
fisher_queen: yeeah
fisher_queen: :P had to be!
Fingolfin: ...
Fingon: that is so wrong
Fingon: I DENY HIM
fisher_queen: but its so EASY
lirimaer: because he's so easy? :D
fisher_queen: kindalikeyoursoningeneral
fisher_queen: XDDD EXACTLY


Fingolfin: And I can't trust your word completely if you were drunk at the time, can I? Maybe [Maedhros] did things to you that you don't remember so that death is too good for him...
Fingon: *horror at the thought*
fisher_queen: THATS where GG came from!
fisher_queen: you have to stop him before he sues for child support!
Fingolfin: ...I need to kill something now.
lirimaer: Where does Orodreth come in, then? :o


Fingolfin: I am not paranoid. My children are living proof that people are out to ruin my life.


lirimaer: but I swear, I always think of pancakes when I hear House of Finwe. I don't know why
fisher_queen: hahahahah
lirimaer: I don't even -like- pancakes


Glorfindel: Why does Turin not have cookies?! *horror*
fisher_queen: I think he ate them all
fisher_queen: in his fit of emo
fisher_queen: he's PART WOMAN I SWEAR
Glorfindel: I must make him more!
Glorfindel: >.> Which part?
fisher_queen: >.> Who knows?
Glorfindel: It could be fun to explore and find out!
Glorfindel: ...but only if he doesn't touch my bum


Varda: There are not enough songs of praise for Varda from the Elves!
Tolman: I'm sorry, Madam Varda.
Varda: Is Varda not the most beautiful? Is Varda not kind? Varda shall smite the ungrateful Elves!
Tolman: Madam Varda is wonderful and beautiful and kind, and should not smite the elves as they are doing a pretty good job of it themselves.
Varda: ...True enough. Ok! Varda will let them be and just write her paper!


fisher_queen: someday Fingon will snog the wrong person and it will be express's fault
lirimaer: hahahaha like he'll care
Ameniel: He will when he gets no sex for a week because of it!
lirimaer: you couldn't last a week
Ameniel: >.>
fisher_queen: <.<
Fingon: well I don't want to like snog Feanor
Fingon: that would be incest
fisher_queen: that could involve death, yes
Ameniel: From a few people, possibly.
Fingon: Oh yeah
lirimaer: it could be like a reality show! Who can kill Fingon first? :o
fisher_queen: hahaha it COULD
lirimaer: and people could place bets
fisher_queen: I know he'll be the first of mine to die
fisher_queen: unless Turin offs himself
lirimaer: haha
fisher_queen: but he doesnt want to deal with paperwork


Ameniel: See? I am so devoted I talked to Eru AND Fingolfin for him *nods*
lirimaer: aka she's really in it for the Maedhros 3way
Fingon: >.>
Ameniel: >.> Lies. Really.
Fingon: totally lies designed to make us look embarassing when we aren't being that way
Ameniel: We wouldn't do that. Ever. Maybe.
Fingon: totally not. Nope. never only sometimes
Ameniel: >.> Do you think they'll get us one soon? To be friends with, of course.
Fingon: I hope they do. I think you two would be good friends >.>
Ameniel: I'm sure! If he likes you, afterall. >.>


lirimaer: omg there should be a form to request an explanation of the forms
nlduffy: or a "for troubleshooting, please contact so-and-so"
nlduffy: and it's just someone going "Neener neener neener!"
lirimaer: or a voice saying "I'm sorry, the number you have dialed is no longer in service. Please check your number and try again."
nlduffy: Or someone screamiing the weather forecast in German
lirimaer: or a random mix of the three
nlduffy: ICH HABE EINE LÖFFEL- neener! ...please check your number and try again.
lirimaer: oh. or a "Thank you for calling Vala Inc. Our wait time seems to be longer than normal. Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line!"
lirimaer: no, it randomly switches each time someone calls :P
nlduffy: XD
lirimaer: because Eru knows best how to annoy His children
nlduffy: yuuup
nlduffy: and Eru's divinely inspired automated response


Feanor: What's a Gamgee and why is it little?
lirimaer: delicious and because it is foodstuffs *halo*
Tolman: *lightening and thundery DOOM*
lirimaer: I have no fear of Eru, I have munpowers!
Tolman: *threats of Jello in the forecast*
lirimaer: rock on
Tolman: I am not edible, thank you very much. *sipping a starbucks latte*
lirimaer: are you sure? I had always heard that gamgees were highly edible
Tolman: Absolutely positive. No edibility in my family whatsoever.
lirimaer: I wonder where I could have gotten such an idea from?
Tolman: Morgoth, most likely. *nods*
lirimaer: probably. He -is- a wanker


Arwen: Not that being here feels that much safer comparatively speaking but it could always be worse. There also aren't any cameras or tv crews here to follow our every step and hound us with strange questions either. No, I don't know anything about my father and Erestor's rumored fling, no I don't want to take a guess at what in Hell is up with Legolas and my husband these days. It's bad enough he moved in three months ago and has yet to conclude his 'diplomatic visit' which, for some reason involves sleeping between Aragorn and I at night.


Beleg: You also buried my bow, Turin. I need my bow back. Quit moping and come play in the dirt with me. You enjoyed that when you were younger.
Bonbons? Is there some kind of alcohol to go with the bonbons?
Turin: The dirt embraces me unlike many other elements and you embrace me unlike anyone but...*sigh* never mind. I don't want to talk about THAT... Dirt it is.

There's cheap wine hidden in my secret hole where I go to sit when I'm more depressed than usual.
Beleg: You got into trouble without me, didn't you, favoritest human? I can't believe you buried me... we'll just have to exhume my remains to get my bow back. I won't feel like myself without it.

You haven't had an angsty hidey-hole since you were a little humanling. What happened?
Turin: Trouble followed me like the black cloud that is my life, Beleg.

Well I wasn't going to leave you there for orcs to ravish was I?

Beleg: There's always another rainbow, Turin. You need to look for the silver lining. Your life wasn't ALL bad. You had me!

...I never thought of orcs as competition for you before. Bah. Nevermind, thank you for burying me. Orcsex up the ass is low on my list of things I want to happen even if I'm dead.

Aww, do you need a hug?


Elfwine: ...So do the elves bite?


Fingon: YOU know how rumors are...they grow and grow and Glorfindel sometimes exager...pleasedon'tkillme


Those are my favourites so far! I'm sure there will be more, as I am easily amused. ;) Can't wait to see everyone's favourites as we go on!


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