good ol' iron undies...

Apr 29, 2008 23:10

Aredhel: Turu told me a bit... *pats* I'm with you, though. At least to the point just before you kill them all.
Maglor: Well, no one ELSE is doing anything about it.
Aredhel: we're working on it!
Maglor: Not fast enough.
Aredhel: so your solution is kill everyone even if it makes you hate yourself in the future?
Maglor: It won't.
Aredhel: it's kinslaying, Kana. No one feels okay with that.
Maglor: It's justified kinslaying this time.
Aredhel: I'm not so sure it is. If we could just make them see the error of their ways...
Maglor: Tried that. Didn't work. Found another method.
Aredhel: How did you go about it?
Maglor: I spoke to them and told them how dirty it was. I yelled at them. I threatened them.
Maglor: And then I carried out my threats
Aredhel: *frowns* ...there has to be a way! Why won't they understand!
Maglor: They are stubborn fools.
Maglor: I figure I'll keep randomly killing them until they get the point.
Aredhel: I don't think that will make them see it, either. They'll just see that they have to stay far, far away from you.
Maglor: If they weren't smart enough to already know it, it's their own fault
Aredhel: I'm just saying, that won't convince them to stop their ways...
Maglor: Nor will talking.
Maglor: Castration may be our only option.
Aredhel: Indeed. And separating them.
Maglor: Good luck on that one.
Aredhel: ...perhaps we can ask ada or Uncle Feanor to create chastity belts for them and not create keys. >.>
Maglor: ...that would be amazing. I will ask adar next time I see him.
Aredhel: Yes! *grins* A possible solution!

...who'd like to see it? XD

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