*yoinks Mags' account*

Apr 22, 2008 15:24

Apparently, I'm a bloody spam. Deal with it. Anyway. Since one of my favourite pasttimes is bothering Fingon, I have quotes!

nutmeg: hey Fingon, would you sleep with either of your parents if they were willing? *just curious*
Fingon: .... .... ... ...I'd sleep with people who LOOKED like them but not THEM
Fingon: that would be wrong
nutmeg: how is it much worse than being with your brother?
Fingon: it just...IS
nutmeg: same genes
Fingon: yeah but um
Fingon: I don't know.
Fingon: just not.

- - - - -

nutmeg: dear Fingon: your nana is baking tarts for your wedding
Fingon: Aww
nutmeg: Arta is helping. She was telling him about the time you ruined her pastry dough by confusing the salt and the sugar
Fingon: That was a mild time
Fingon: There have been worse
Sar: you tried to cook for Turgon while they were out...didn't you?
Fingon: Yeah
nutmeg: I hear that's the last time she ever let you bake with her
nutmeg: XD
nutmeg: I want to know!
Turgon: ...no, you really don't
Fingon: It was...special
Fingon: We got so SICK
Turgon: Nana started leaving food for us after that
Fingon: I thought it would be okay!
nutmeg: gods... your marriage is going to be awful. neither of you can cook
nutmeg: please tell me Maedhros can?
Fingon: ...I hope?

- - - - -

Fingon: *watching headmates and mun make fun of elaborate heraldry*
nutmeg: is it entertaining?
Fingon: rather
Fingon: granted these are men who proudly wear purple so..
Fingon: Glass houses
nutmeg: *snort*
nutmeg: mind
nutmeg: at one point in time, purple was REALLY expensive
Sar: and bright colors WERE more for men
Fingon: It is still funny as hell
nutmeg: think of them as peacocks!
nutmeg: mind, this is coming from the man who wore a white helm
Fingon: It was a GIFT
nutmeg: from who?
Fingon: Maedhros
nutmeg: ...
nutmeg: ever think he was secretly laughing at you?
Fingon: ...that makes a huge amount of sense

P.S. Turgon and I want an Aredhel (with Natalie Portman icons would be nice >.>) and an Idril! (Either Paris Hilton or Kirsten Dunst would be awesome... >.>) ...Just sayin'.


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