Oct 12, 2006 11:10
ritalin is going good. sometimes i tend to forget to take it. i think i have enough attention span to be able to read 'Purgatorio' by Dante Algiheri.
i love anita so much. she is busy at work right now. we kind had a fight tuesday night, but i still love her with everythig i have. she has been very stressed right now with all the parental issues, and alot of the stuff she has to put up with is complete bullshit. i just want to hold her and hug her, but sometimes it isnt possible. she was sleepy last night while watching Lost. it was so cute...just like a baby kitten when they are sleepy. they try to stay awake, but they cant. i have a video from youtube that makes me think about her when she is sleepy. its so cute...
i have decided my computer is racist. it hates when i write about muslims and jews....it stops working. it makes it so i cant type anymore. it also hates the USB mice...i have to find the converter so it will go in the mouse slot-thing...it hates youtube as well.
my computer is a racist.
went to DHR to try to get some disability. sat around forever, and then they told me i have to go to the social security building. another day of sitting around. i have take wage info to Happy House too. really dont want to talk with that asshole, but i need some kind of pay.
i probably should write my paper on caesar now...but i dont want to...grrrr...stupid blood pressure messing me up...yarg...