5 Questions Meme

Jan 17, 2011 18:35

Here's how it works:

1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed

Here are my answers to the questions total_alias  asked me:

1) Favorite manga/anime (if two different ones then list both) and why
Manga: Pandora Hearts
Stunning, complex characters, interesting story, full of unexpected plot twists, and lots of little details that make it a pleasure to study in depth, and reread multiple times.
Anime: Kuroshitsuji
I know some people hate the Kuroshitsuji anime because it deviates so severely from the manga. But for me that was precisely why it was so brilliant. They came up with all sorts of whacked up original stuff, and wrapped everything up quite nicely, too. Plus it made me laugh, which is actually quite hard to do.

2) Favorite fic you've written and why
I blathered about my fics a while back over here, but I've written a whole slew of new ones since then so hmm…of the new ones, probably either " Lovestruck" or " Interlude." The former, because plotting is not normally my strong suit, and somehow I sat down one day to write it and the next thing I knew I had all these fun plots twists going on. The latter, because exposition writing is not normally my favorite thing to write or read, but I really liked the way it came out.

3) Favorite fic you've read (top 3) and why
Only 3? I'd have to leave out many good ones. So let me just see what pops into mind first... Just about anything by calliope_love  because her writing is just magical. And then I'll pimp a couple of stories that aren't even finished, but they've stuck with me for some reason: There's "Tick Tock Enigma" by Satiah which I think is beautifully written and I love the way she conveys Elliot and Leo's personalities and interactions. And then there's " Household Discipline" from an anon author on the PH kink meme, because anyone who can actually make me enjoy a story revolving around boot licking and butt licking must have some serious talent.

4) Where did your LJ name come from?
I encountered the word "gommy" on the internet and wondered what it meant (I'm partial to the "sticky mess" definition). Then I was trying to think of a unique name when I was starting my livejournal, and gommyommy just popped into my head. It's just nonsense.

5)Favorite part from PH (I know that one sounds dumb, but I have a favorite chapter and separately a favorite page so...)
That's a tough question because I have so many favorite parts. But I'll pick the moment when Vincent blackmailed Break, and the whole story around that, because I distinctly remember that was the point when I fell in love with Pandora Hearts manga.


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