I see dead people

Jan 25, 2010 13:34

I had a quite sober weekend again, 10 beers in all and 8 of those were the 2 swig bottle type so i'm no longer not drinking i'm just not getting drunk. This unfortunately meant i was up at 5 on Saturday morning so i finished my latest book (The girl who played with fire, awesome book)and then got ready for the day. I got my ass swimming by 8:30, i haven't swam properly in about 5 years so after some lengths of breast stroke i tried front crawl, i managed half a length before starting to drown and was watched closely by the lifeguards.

After that me, Shane, Mandi and Lee went to the bodies revealed exhibition/science show/freak show to see dead chinese people, we discovered lots of interesting stuffs but also spent some time giggling and pointing at various bits, i have no idea why they insist on leaving the arse hole on all of the bodies but remove the sexy bits from most of them. I'm also trying to think of a good reason why they have to use bodies at all, surely they know what everything looks like so they can just model it out of something, sure it'd be hard to do but it wouldn't be dead people. Also arm muscles look like jerky and proper tasty.
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