You know I'm not doing too hot when I pull out the Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker. Dammit, I need more Home Music. I don't have enough blues, definitely, and I could use more jazz too. Every time I go home I plan to import some of the CDs my dad plays every day, and then I forget. I swear, I'm actually going to ask him this time. And I need to make travel plans. I'm not sure if I should come home at all before Christmas. . . it's way too late to make plans for Canadian Thanksgiving, and US Thanksgiving is like a week before I'm off for Christmas anyway. I think. Might just suck it up for an entire semester and gradually wean myself off of going home. Even though I want to go home for the summer, so that makes no sense. What do Posfe people plan to do for summer? I don't want to be the only one going home again.
I just gave myself a pedicure for no apparent reason, except that I'm lonely and I'm sick of my feet being ugly when there are definite things I can do about it. OH AND DAMMIT, SOMEONE REMIND ME TO OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT SO I CAN START SAVING FOR CHINA. No, that had nothing to do with anything. I need to work more often. That also had nothing to do with anything.
Oh, I lost the election. I don't know how, because every person I talked to voted for me, and I somehow manage to talk to a lot of people. Idk when I became such a fucking social butterfly. That'll all end when the seasonal depression sets in, though, don't worry. I'll be back to my same old self. Which is why I'm trying to cement friendships now! But. I'll probably end up literally hiding from people I know again come November.
POINT IS, I probably lost to some uppity first-year who got all their snotty little first-year friends to vote for them. Fucking res students. A lot of commuters I know lost, and they were the ones who were intelligent, capable, and way more fucking involved around campus than the res students. This coming from a former res student -- res students don't do anything, or at least most of them don't. They don't have to. Commuters have to get involved in order to have friends, and they have more dedication and a better work ethic, usually, if they go through all that to go to class and to come to campus to make friends. Oh well. There were a lot of super-capable people running who I haven't talked to yet, so I should stop assuming the worst.
Plan: babble on LJ until I finish the tea I just made, then go do a fuckton of sun salutations, preferably in the community garden next door before it rains, then go shopping and buy the ingredients I need to make dinner for my poll clerks tonight.
Dammit, buying ingredients and cooking was supposed to be fun, because I fucking love making I-should-have-been-born-Italian pasta. But I really don't want to do it, because I'm just not in a good mood today. I just want to crawl under my covers and die, a/o turn my bed into a teleporter so I can go home, or to China where Kathy is, or to California so I can experience warmth and sunshine/see my babby nephew and indulge in maternal instincts/visit Lina/experience warmth and sunshine. My housemate just got back from like two weeks in California, L.A. and Monterrey and idk where else but I want to kill her. Except she's so adorable so I can't. Reminder to self to ask her about Japan because I don't actually know anyone else from Japan despite living in a super-international city and therefore I must pester her. OH YEAH TODAY'S HER BIRTHDAY hmmmm I already said happy birthday. If I wasn't already making dinner for five people, I would make her cupcakes. Mostly so I could eat half of them. She's 26 today. I feel so young.
Hmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I have nothing more to babble about, but I am not done with my tea. I LOVE "BIRD OF PARADISE." JUST SAYIN'. I just like the one phrase -- well. A couple kids played it at the talent show at the end of Frosh Week; they weren't amazing but I liked it anyway. Hmmmmmmmmm. Kathy is back online! I will no longer inflict my babble on flist.