We're making out inside crashed cars, we're slipping through all the memories.

Aug 01, 2007 11:56

Wtf why is my body so fustarded. Every half an hour or so it decides to break my fever. . . when I didn't have a fever. Like, over and over. Maybe my sweat glands are hyperactive. Or maybe it's their mating season.

I think being stuck in my house is doing weird things to my head, especially when I try to talk. Talk by typing, I mean. I keep saying the weirdest shit that doesn't make any sense. I sound like Steve. Oh! Steve, don't you just sit around in your house all day? That must be why you sound like this. Not like I'm complaining, it's highly entertaining. And that's what Kathy does too, isn't it? And Lord knows she sounds like a raving lunatic most days. You two need to get out more. I need to get out right now. I might be able to hang out with people tomorrow, if I don't have a fever during the night, but be warned, I'll cough all over you and I'll have to carry 10923471646 medicinal objects with me wherever we go.

Ima Robot reminds me so much of MSI. Except not. It's just that the singing style is really similar, though the music is different and Ima Robot is much less A) cracked out and B) offensive.

Anyway. I watched GoF last night. I still think Barty Crouch Jr. is really, really hot, even with the tongue thing. But it still pisses me off the way they had him all defiant in the Pensieve, when he was supposed to be pathetic and crying and saying, 'Father, please!' The latter is more important for Barty Sr.'s character development. Not like they actually care about character development in the movies, but still. Also, the difference in Dan's acting is really noticeable when you go back and watch one of the others after OotP. Oh, God, I can't wait for DH with that acting. HBP too, but DH is going to be spectacular. Also also, does anyone think it's funny that the incantation for the Dark Mark is like the only spell that's French? How very British of JKR.

I also reread The Wainscott Weasel last night. That was like one of my favourite childhood books, but I completely forgot about it until I found it yesterday. It kind of surprised me, how bittersweet and melancholy and aching it was. It might be written for children, but the themes are more adult -- love that can't be. I also forgot -- the main character was one of my first ever fangirl objects, as well as what made me go through my eyepatch phase. Trust me, after you read that book, a weasel with an eyepatch will sound like the hottest thing ever to you. Because he's a gentlemanly, noble, aloof, lonely weasel with low self-esteem and daddy issues. GOD, HE IS SO HOT. BUT. BUT. OMG. SO SAD. I -- AUGH. That was not the thing to read after the fic I read yesterday morning. Especially when I can't let myself cry because of my nose/chest/various discomforts.

. . . okay, first I want to cry over a fanfic about characters in a children's TV show, then I want to cry over a children's book. I think I need to improve the quality of my life.

I don't know, I don't know. Sometimes I think it would be fun to have one last dance party, before we all leave, just for the sake of old times. It might be awkward, though. Hmmmmmmm. I like dancing, though. I really like dancing. The problem is, where's the line? The second problem is that everyone has different lines. The third problem is that my line isn't where people think it is, anymore. I used to think it was fun to be considered a slut, mostly because of my unfortunate middle school experience, where I was uncool and unpopular and never got much attention from boys, or much in general, really, and no one ever thought I was sexy. Maybe pretty, but never sexy. I was so envious of the popular girls, even the trashy ones -- envious to the point of obsession. Eyer's structured hierarchy was horrible. That's a rant for another day. Point is, I'm not a slut, it's not really in me -- I'm just one of those people who can't say no. God, it's awkward even just talking about this, even in vague terms.

I think, with those parties, I lost sight of the point. The point is that I love dancing. And I got so used to dancing with people that I don't feel right dancing by myself any more. And who better to dance with than your friends? Not to sexually experiment, but just to enjoy the dancing. I don't think many of my friends enjoy dancing as much as me, though. Still. What do you guys think? Should we have one last party? We don't have much time left, so we might not be able to. But, well, it would be fun, and sort of like closure. Would it be awkward? Would we just be sitting around? Or would it get out of hand? Would people who aren't into dancing want to come? Hell, I don't know why I'm putting this up here since most of the people who would be interested don't really go on lj. But, it's an idea.

I. I am so lonely. I really, really need to hang out with someone. But I'm fucking sick. And I keep reading depressing things and looking at invoices for UT that are way higher than the estimate they gave us when I chose to go there. God, I'm so depressed.

illness, party, harry potter, nostalgia

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