TVD 3x14: Dangerous Liaisons

Feb 09, 2012 23:45

-This cast needs to play dress up more often because damn. #things that go without saying

-LOL @ the Originals throwing a ball in order to make peace in our time. Fine. Why not.

-Question I have though: Where did they find so many people to attend their ball? There is no way there are that many surviving residents of Mystic Falls. Maybe they went to the nearest neighbouring town and compelled a bunch of people to attend.

-I was pretty set to love everything in this episode when it opened with Elena being in danger and being rescued by this guy:


Also his mouth is saying words, but his eyes are saying <3<3<3.

ELIJAH. ELENA. TOGETHER AGAIN ON MY SCREEN. Though while there were a few moments between them that I liked, they cut out all their good conversations. WHAT CATCHING UP DO THEY HAVE TO DO. I WANT TO SEEEEEEE. :| Also I was super disappointed that Elena let him drink the bloody champagne (LOL) and was convinced the whole way through she had secretly told him of Mama Esther's plan. :| Oh well, I guess he did betray her that one time they all teamed up to kill Klaus. Rebuilding their understanding will take time.

-After lying dormant last week, this episode was pretty much ALL about our characters' romantic entanglements which, you know, cool. I mean it's not like I watch this show for the burning sexual tension. I totally do.

-Still unsure how I feel about Caroline/Klaus (where did his insta!love come from, though?? I don't understand D:) but okay it was fun. I CONCEDE A POINT. But remember how he killed Jenna? Shouldn't this be an unforgivable hurdle for Klaus/anyone on team Elena? Just asking. Caroline's little speech about how Klaus doesn't think he can be loved so he compels people or sires them or tries to buy them off was glorious. COME INTO MY ARMS, CAROLINE.

-LOL @ Damon taking up the Salvatore mantel of acting like a petulant child this week. For some reason, though, petulant!Damon isn't as funny to me as petulant!Stefan? It might be the eye thing.

Hello there, Ian Somerhalder's finest eye popping. We haven't been this close together in a while.

I don't even really get what he was so angry about? That Elena implied him being in love with her meant he wasn't thinking clearly? But duh, that is essentially the definition of "being in love." Or that she more or less once again rejected him? OH WELL. Damon was due for some acting out anyway PLUS SEX WITH REBEKAH. I'm secretly disappointed it wasn't Katherine, but you know, Rebekah/Damon is acceptable too. They were very naked and indecent, though! I am impressed that they managed to get that one by the CW censors.

-But really though, Stefan and Elena basically had all my attention at about this moment on:


WHY DO I LIKE THIS SO MUCH. STEFAN/ELENA, I KEEP TRYING TO QUIT YOU. BUT THIS, WHAT. I CAN'T. Ugh, so many feelings. brb re-watching this scene 100 more times like the crazy shipper I am.

TBH there were a few D/E moments, but I felt like this episode at its core was about Stefan 'n Elena. Elena is still prioritizing her relationship with Stefan. She'll admit to kissing Damon, but not to feelings she has/might have for him. *pets poor confused Elena*

Suddenly the rekindling of their romance doesn't seem far out of the range of possibility. Or IS it?! It's pretty hard for me to imagine them getting back together at this stage after everything unless it is gloriously fucked up. But still. That daaaaaance. Their faces! Paul Wesley's teary eyes! "If I care, all I feel is pain." DDDD:

Other things:

-In "the writers hate Kat Graham for some reason" category, poor Bonnie didn't get an invite. D: Even Matt got an invite!

-Mamma Esther is appropriately shady, well done writers. Why is Finn so eager to off himself, though? I mean, besides the weird Oedipal complex.

-LOVE that Elijah is on to her though and that Elijah is clearly Esther's favourite even though Finn is the one willing to do the murder-suiciding.

-Elena asked Caroline to be her bodyguard for the evening! \o/ YES CAROLINE IS A SANER CHOICE THAN A SALVATORE. Why has no one thought about this before.

-Elena making plans and insisting on making her own decisions like a boss. \o/ ELENA/INDEPENDENCE OTP.

-Legit laughed out loud when Matt said he didn't even have health insurance for his broken hand. I know, tragic, but LOL LOL LOL MATT, YOUR LIFE.


HEUNG. *flops*

the vampire diaries, stefan/elena, elena/elijah, elena you fierce bamf, the vampire diaries: episode reaction

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