Jul 19, 2013 20:12
LITTLE GIRL leaves the table in the middle of dinner.
MOM: My dear, whence have you gone?
LITTLE GIRL: Whaaaa???
MOM: Where are you?
LITTLE GIRL: Playing in the playroom.
MOM: You cannot just leave the table.
LITTLE GIRL returns to the table which has a lot of yogurt and honey and a washcloth and other detritus all over it.
MOM: Before you can leave, you must say, "Mother, may I please be excused from the tale of elegant delicacies?"
LITTLE GIRL: Mother, may I please be excused from the table of eligous delidezeez?
MOM: the table of elegant delicacies
LITTLE GIRL: the table of elegal desedisease
MOM: elegant delicacies
LITTLE GIRL: elegant delilezeeee
MOM: el-e-gant de-li-ca-cies
LITTLE GIRL: elegant delicacies.
MOM: Okay. You may go.
[PS: It actually took several more goes than I have recorded]
Also earlier her dad had been looking for his shoes.
ME: I saw a kid wearing them. I can't remember who. [turning to little girl] Were you the one wearing your daddy's shoes?
LITTLE GIRL: Yes. I put water in them.
I almost died laughing.