IKON wednesday night

Nov 20, 2004 01:52

Well after I typed this whole post on the wednesday at 4.00 and then deleted it in a drunken spasm. I had just had one of the best nights of my life on the dancefloor at the best club in Southampton called IKON which has a random club attached which you can enter half way called DIVA. (IKON-DIVA). Cheap drinks followed by the best songs and then my faveourite club song. A perfectly mixed in insomnia by faithless.

Anyway round in southampton we have a university (the proper place) where people with A-levels go and the insititute where people doing illustration go. Thats a bit contraversial but anyway that night was the ongoing competition between the uni and the institute.

It consisted of 2 people from each side that had gone through various selective stages before hand and had now reached the final of this competition. The winner a dvd player, the loser a crate of VK. Someone I knew was up on stage prepared to go through the 3 stages, gross out stages of which the first one was eating 10 ver hot chilies. The second was a race to could drink 6 pints of milk in the fastest time (most of it ended it up in the bucket next to him). It sounds gross but our man managed to get to the final stage. They managed to get two pigs heads on the stage. The winner had to the most fearlessly suck out peanuts from the pigs snouts. which is where our man fell unfortunately.

I have made several observations having been at uni

1. things change on the dance floor

2. If its not going on by 11.30 its not going to happen

3. It aint over till its over

4. Women give you signs about their interests which they will give you only a short window of time to read. (I need to learn to read)(Only afterwards it hit me like a slippery fish that one had been dangled infront of me and I missed it)(Ho Hum)

5. Some people are nice and are friends, some people you can just tell that they are solidily good to be with and dont have an egit fibre in their bodies. But some people are complete wankers through and through (You try and stay out of their sad way)

OO one more thing, tell me what I did was either right or wrong... I went to IKON with a guy called sam who is an extravert yet way cool and a girl called racchel who is tall, good looking, long brown hair..... anyway although I was meeting up with everyone there we went in a taxi there. They do salsa together I could they liked each other. Through the night sam was like the only person racchel solidly knew so seemed alone without him. I think they had something going so i teted sam "what the hell are you doing, go rescue racchel, she like you :)". Any way i ask sam to check his messages he doesnt have his phone on him. I tell him the text. After the night it turns out that his phone was in racchels bag and she brought his phone out and saw he had a message an then told read it knowing who it was from. sam ten came and told me. I was drunk was very very emabarrased. I then ad to get a taxi with them and some drunk bint who hadnt gone to lectures for 3 weeks and didnt intend for 3 more and then wants to drop out. Oh fuck........... anyway it was not the best end to the perfect night.

On recent adjustments Ive been told that event has only made them closer. so mits not all bad.
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