
Oct 15, 2004 22:15

The scariest thing just happened.

Well this town is no extreme case but there has just been a major pikey break in to our halls. A set of I think three guys from our halls were caught coming home walking next to the common and were found by a group of pikeys. They were chased back to our quad (sq patch of grass) where one guy was beaten te shit out of. The other two guyys pulled him out and went for the security door. it was only a magnetic secuirty door so that was promptly kicked through and 30 pikeys preceeded to pour in. One guy was caught in the hallway and was landed by a singe punchh I think to the head. Once they made it inside they headed for the bar where they chucked a bin across the door where someone was hit. Once some of them entered te bar a mini fight broke out and they were evetually chased off. The police and ambulance crue have just left. Its pretty much a very scray experience.

People are now very wisely walking in a big groups when they go out.
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