May 16, 2007 13:51
So I am attending Pennsic for the first-time-ever this year, and by myself. I know it will be an adventure but I wonder if I am ready.
I joked the other night during choir practice about not having a tent, but the truth is I don't have one and I am not sure where to get one by August. And for that matter I've never put up a tent. Nothing like trying to build a dwelling, for the first time, that you have to live out of for a week.
Then there is the matter of clothes. I barely have 1 1/2 outfits. I have gotten some patterns but there is not a lot of time to make a week's wardrobe by August. I do have a lot of peasant clothing from my days working at MD Renn Faire, maybe this can do my first Pennsic.
I also don't know what to pack in the way of supplies. I wish there was a "how to pack for Pennsic" handout for the newbies.
Then there is the subject of money. How much should I save for this trip? Do I need to carry cash with me, or do the various vendors and merchants accept plastic. Is there such a thing as a "ye 'ole ATM machine" on site? Can I even afford this trip?
The drive I can handle. I've done road trips by myself before. Yes, I am concerned that I won't know where to park or the lay-of-the-land but I am sure there are people who can give me directions.
On the plus-side, I am very much looking forward to more involvement with Ponte Alto and the SCA as a whole. Alle Psallite has been practicing pieces for the Pennsic choir, and I very excited to participate.
And I have never taken a vacation just by myself. (Well, I did some solo travel in Asia but that was towards the end of the college years -- way too many years ago.) Besides I won't totally be alone, there will be some friendly faces among my local SCA group attending. The trick will be not to do what I normally do when I am facing a new situation/group dynamic .... retreat and observe. I need to be more outgoing with this adventure.
I guess I am going to focus my energy on the cultivating my outgoing spirit and sense of adventure. And the rest (as they say) is, what it is.
ponte alto