So I was clearing out my bodyshop, and decided on an asylum challenge for all those kids I'd never gotten in game. Sadly, it's been pretty bloody boring so far, but I managed to salvage some pictures.
Our hero, Zeal.
That behind her is Huxley.
Who is somewhat of a favourite. He gets along with Foxtrot, even if the hair tones clash, and enjoys pillow fighting.
I added in two regular sims as well, Reggie & Torrance. (Being an egomaniac and just quite strange, respectively).
Reggie wastes no time seducing the lady with the prettiest shoes, while Torrance is stalked by Mr Clown there.
Mr Clown, who's evidently here for anger issues. And gossips about his stalker-ish tendencies to Huxley.
Torrance eventually hooks up with Tsi (neurotic).
At this point, I believe things were getting so boring I wiped everyone's memories of each other with the sims blender and re-randomised their personalities (probably cheating, but this is an insane asylum).
Nothing much changed, aside from everyone's sudden urge to clog up the toilet room.
This happened about three times, eventually leading to this.
Clustering is a typical asylum pastime (like zombies). Creepily, this is them lurking around Zeal as she sleeps (l-r, Torrance, Huxley, Foxtrot, Reggie & Tsi. Mr Clown and Zac are probably falling asleep in the toilet or in front of the fridge or something).
Zac is the compulsory mad scientist.
Yeah, he skips. Just far away at the back of the lot, out of sight.
Autumn arrived.
And so did some pretty rocking outerwear.
Our protagonist doesn't do alot. The gypsy drops off a genie, for some reason, which I put her into perma-plat with (yeah, this isn't a proper challenge), she passes out in the kitchen, waves at me occasionally in a surprisingly cheerful way.
She eventually manages to land a job in her chosen career.
Which leads promptly to Foxtrot's untimely death, while Zeal is busy medic-ing. Bugger.
Oh, and Huxley burnt some food.
The end. Maybe there'll be some more of this, if my second round of cheating lobotomies produces interesting results. But for now, I'm bored to death of them, especially spending about fifteen minutes trying to rescue Zeal from the toilet.