(no subject)

Jan 03, 2010 14:20

Grab the nearest book.
Open the book to page 56.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.

Mechanics 3 - Your clear route to A-level sucess (! - there should be an exclaimation mark at the end of that sentence, but there isn't, so I'm pretending).

"Given that P passes through the origin with speed 3ms-1 calculate the speed of P as it passes through A."

Yeah. It's revision time. I now hear that in Jermaine's voice thanks to too much Flight of the Conchords. Hm.

My New Years resolutions involve more Maths, more Physics and more finishing what I started. The first two are not very relevant to this livejournal, but the last one involves clearing out my test folder, so I have some things to show you.

Neighbourhood decorations, my old friends (I like these because you don't have to get new GUIDs for them, they do it automatically. I always forget to do that with normal objects, my catalogue is filled with maxis objects that aren't maxis objects any more because of things lurking in my test folder).

These were born of me browsing through Poe's extracted L4D textures and thinking that the buildings folder looked pretty cool, certainly cooler than the buildings I have in game at the moment.

They're a bit repeat-y, some of them don't have doors, but they are far lower poly than the Fallout 3 stuff I posted before (being basically just boxes). The scaling is pissing me off a bit - technically the four storey building there is only the same height as a two storey lot, but I think it would look stupid if it was any bigger. Out of interest too, do you think the bigger tall & narrow building or the smaller tall & narrow building looks better? I think the bigger one, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, these will be posted here once I've exhausted all the textures, I'll assume some of you will have some use for them (I'm totally not asking, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it, secret maker).

I've been listening to this album a lot lately (Grizzly Bear, Veckatimest), although it's a bit disappointing after hearing a selection of songs off their first two albums - I prefer them. However, I really really like this song, and overall it is definitely growing on me a bit.

... Also I've just remembered I've done that meme before. Ah well.

neighbourhood decorations, ramblings, like a broken pencil

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