(no subject)

Jul 23, 2007 22:57

woot more snippets!


He didn't know what to do. Or think. Or say. This was a first really for him as he always had something to say, he just didn't always know if it was the right thing.

He just stood, shocked, staring at the woman in front of him. One little side thought floated to the top of his mind. It had been really sweet of Black Canary to come to see him at the Watch Tower and tell him first so he hadn't had to find out second hand.

A grin slowly slid across his face and he took to the air. He commanded his ring to find her and didn't even notice the scenery flash past him until he stood in front of her.

She stared back at him, standing strong and still. Neither moved.

A whisper of air lifted the stillness and Guy leapt forward, wrapping his arms around the little woman and burying his face in her hair. She laughed and squeezed him tight, clinging to the one man who had always cared even when she hadn't wanted him to.

They stood still, glorying in each other's company and allowing the soft tears for fallen comrades.

From afar all that could be seen were swirling snowflakes backlit by emerald light.

Word Count: 215

A Little TLC

It had never been a secret that Midnighter hated being injured and that usually he would hide until better if he could. But normally he would at least let Apollo close enough to reach out and make sure he would be alright.

Today he hadn’t.

Coat wrapped tight around him, hunched slightly over his stomach, he grumped off, snarling at Apollo when he dared follow.

He had disappeared into the bowels of the Carrier.

When the brighter hero had finally found him he stayed in hiding, all he needed was to be sure his lover was going to survive whatever wounds he’d taken. No-one had seen the dark man go down, his injuries and their extent were unknown.

He peaked quickly around the doorway of the otherwise empty room. Blinked. Looked again.

He had been right.

Smiling slowly he floated into the room looking down at the highly embarrassed hero and offered to help.

Midnighter let him slide his hands under the little grey cat and went back to delicately binding its wounds.

Word Count: 178

A Stitch in Time

Max Mercury didn’t really know when he was. Or where for that matter.

He had been bounced across time and space like a ping pong ball never knowing when he was going to get dropped and left in one spot for once.

Damn Speed Force was really unsettled for some reason. Right now it seemed very weak as if someone was tapping it too hard or had somehow siphoned it away.

He ran, slowly compared to normal, until he found a newspaper stand and checked the date. Alabama, Tuesday, 10th of August, 2231AD. He blinked slowly, this was the furthest forward he been sent so far.

He shrugged and did what he always did. Found some food and went on a quick patrol of the town.

As he was running towards a siren a second speedster joined him. The red clad man matched himself to Max’s pace and looked over with a grin.

His uniform was basically the same as the Flash’s had been for centuries. The only difference was that the mask covered more than ever and included white out lenses. But he could feel the burbling happiness in the man’s stride.

Hitting them together the robber’s never even knew what happened.

Outside the town, seconds later, the red speedster sprawled on the grass, grinning up at Max again. He tugged the other man down next to him.

“So time travel?” Max blinked twice, he hadn’t spoken a word yet to the younger man. The other smirked at his confusion. “I don’t belong now either. You learn to tell after a while. Seems to have treated you well though. You look younger than I remember, like you’re only twenty five like me.”

Max reached out one white gloved hand and gently slid the mask off the other man. With a little grunt he tugged him into his lap and wrapped his arms around him. Golden eyes looked up at him through messy auburn hair.

He just sighed and held the boy close. Of all the speedsters he had met over time this one hyper little boy had affected him most, tugged at his heart strings until he never wanted to let go. And maybe know he wouldn’t.

Eventually, after a much longer time then Max would’ve thought, Bart started squirming. He twisted around in his arms until they were face to face. He reached up slowly and brushed his lips to Max’s. Smiled up at him.

“If we go together Max, neither of will be alone again. It sucks to be alone.”

Max smiled slowly as he felt the pull again and tightened his grip to hold the young man to his heart as the Speed Force pulled him in again.

And spat them out together.

Word Count: 463

apollo/middie, bart/max, dcu, guy/ice, fic, authority

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