November Minutes

Nov 25, 2008 09:51

Golden Triangle Quilt Guild

November Minutes


20 members attending

Called to order by Charlotte.

Invocation presented by Charlotte.

Was suggested that these moments at the beginning of the meeting should be used as inspiration for the group to consider our craft and talent, make us thoughtful towards the joy that it brings to ourselves and others, and that they are not necessarily a “devotion” time in the spiritual sense. Charlotte encouraged anyone who might have an issue with the feel of recent invocations to please volunteer to utilize the time in a different manner that would still enable us to transition freely from work to hobby and inspire our hearts to great works of beauty and grace.

Old Business:

*Charlotte gave suggested we all introduce ourselves so any new members would know names.

*Treasurers report was given (no change in numbers)

*Minutes approved as written

*Workday for Charity quilts will be held at the Sportsplex January 10.   Discussion followed as to the recipient group changing from the Safe Haven to the Oktibbeha County Sherriff’s office. They have requested a lap sized quilt to be donated to ride in each squad car (25 cars). Since this was a direct request and the SafeHaven was just an idea, and  nothing had been finalized with them, we voted to make the change.

*examples and suggestions were offered as to projects that we might want to consider. Dot offered a rail fence instruction sheet. Charlotte suggested the book “The Giving Quilt” The size was suggested to be between 48 -60 inches square. Also a suggestion was made that each person should be working on blocks ahead of time so to make the assembly of these quilts easier on January 10. If you cannot make it to the work day, please bring your blocks or extra fabric to the December meeting.

*Colleen brought back the 2 kids quilts - quilted for the project.

* Nominating Committee didn’t actually get much nominating done… but April Edwards will continue to serve as Secretary and Barbara Burrell will be Vice President for another term as well. Please consider serving as a officer in our young guild President and Treasurer will be up for nomination / election next fall.

*Retreat discussion was not quite as extensive. Decisions included close location and 2 possible dates April 24-25 or May 30-31. Due to price and the fact that this will be our first attempt at a retreat, we will do a trial run this spring with a “pseudo-retreat” at a close location where we can get away for the day and sew from 9-9 and still go home to our own beds for a very inexpensive fee.

*T-shirts - Katie & Lynda are the committee. Initial design was passed around, and a discussion was held concerning the design and possible changes. T-shirts will cost less than $20.

New Business:

*New Design for nametags for next year was passed around for approval.

* Possum town Quilters will join us for our December meeting. Members should bring finger food for a snack.


Jan 10 - Charity Quilt work day

Feb 6-7 MQA Jackson, MS

Mar 11-15 GSQA Meeting Baton Rouge, LA

June 5-6 MQA Jackson, MS

July 27-31 M’liss Rae Hawley class in Starkville, MS

Fall - Greater Jackson Quilt Show

Program: Gloria Reeves showed anyone interested in how to maneuver around within the Yahoogroup that serves our guild. Also the address for the livejournal blog was handed out.

Door Prizes:

Won by Heidi

Show & Tell:

Charlotte: Tree Skirt made from her FQ Frenzy fabrics

Cheryl: a lovely crocheted baby afghan

Coleen: Daughters Quilt, Freehand practice pieces, Baby quilt inspired by the Sea, South Africa Vine Quilt

Nancy Losure: Dahlia Quilt (ribbon winner at Pine Belt show)

Angela:  Yellow brick road quilt

Luanne: Bleach discharged fall wonders quilt, Pumpkin wall hangings

Olivia: bag from GTFabrics class

April: Christmas bags, Bleach Discharged modern quilt top, Criss Cross quilt top

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