Whoa, it's winter...what's up with that?

Nov 13, 2005 02:09

Holy monkeys it's been forever since I updated this thing!! Well, evidently I'm still alive (no, I haven't crashed any buses yet, for those of you who love to ask me :P ), but I don't think this is going to be a real update, since I have to stay awake for 6 hours in the car tomorrow to get back up to Davis and I'm starting this at 2:15am.

Ummm..let's see, nothing earth-shattering has happened lately, I'm running around like a crazy person still doing way too much stuff, but less stressed than the beginning of the quarter. I really don't want to burn out. I already feel like I can't give all the things I'm doing everything I've got, and when I get stressed I tend to crawl under my covers and hide from life (which oddly doesn't really go away...). Meh. Well so far so good. I really like my fellow busnerds and my core group girls :) Driving a 20-ton potential CNG bomb has been slightly less stressful lately, although every time I start to think I know what I'm doing I find a new way to screw up :P Oh well, humility lessons and all that I guess. I think this week is going to be Rain 101...hooray :P bus + rain + people = ugh. Just as a public service announcement, be nice to your bus drivers, especially when they're running late and the weather sucks. We're trying. Well most of us are. Everyone has bad days.

On the more random and insane note of the day, someone broke into our house and somehow managed to kind of burn it down. OK I should rewind a little, it wasn't my parents house that we live in and stuff, it was the house that we kind of vacation at and rent out as a B&B. It's up in the hills and not many people live up there, so it gets broken into sometimes by kids, but this time they got into the house and either inadvertently or purposefully caught the master bedroom on fire. Thankfully the whole thing didn't go up, although everything got smoke damage (except the spa which was the one expensive thing thank God!). My mom told me today (since we apparently never talk on the phone....I call dispatch more than my mom, how sick is that???) that its getting rebuilt rather than torn down :) So she's going to have lots of fun making that her new project (It was really sad that stuff got so damaged cuz my parents put a lot of work into it; example: they tiled the countertops in the kitchen themselves). It was pretty cool that so many people helped my parents when they found out (Our family friends the Thurmans washed ALL the dishes by hand (they were smoky) and another one of my mom's friends took ALL the bedding that could be salvaged and washed it (Which is a freaking lot of laundry let me tell you!) and the guy who originally noticed the flames went inside and crawled under the smoke to all the rooms to make sure there weren't any people inside while his girlfriend called 911 outside. Crazy. My mom tells me that with the same breathe that she tells me our neighbor like a block away got mugged in his driveway last week (and the guy STOLE HIS PANTS...wtf?? Getting the wallet out of his pocket apparently not in this guy's job description, so he fully tore off his pants!). People are so weird.

Anyway, it's officially waaaaayy too late to still be up, so I'm off to bed (although not as happily as usual since I'm sleeping on my 30-year-old mattress here at my parents' place :P ) More random procrastinations soon to come :)
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