Dec 03, 2008 18:25
Work's been blah. Long, hard hours. Cold, too. I ended up doing another freezer pull. A half hour in the freezer. I came out like an ice cube. Every part of me was cold, even my mouth was ice cold >.< Oh well. It's almost the weekend. Most news so far is I heard about the Otakon prize. Seems it was actually the picture ON the shirt, so the prize was one, not two as they had thought. Well, being who I am I wrote back and told them that technically where my number was drawn last the shirt should go to the other one (forget what gender they were) and that I'd take whatever (since they were determined to give both of us prizes.) So, if the other person decides not to take the shirt, I get it. If they do, then I get a wall scroll and maybe two arranged CD's (that I don't have and never had heard of.) So, we'll see on that. For me it was the fact that I actually won something at the first panel I had gone to the first year I had attended a con as large as Otakon. Even though the shirt would be nice I really have no place for it (same for the wall scroll depending on size.) I had to take down my X7 poster where it was starting to get wear and tear being on the wall where my bed is and it has yet to go up anywhere else. I was thinking beside the EXE poster I have but I'm not sure.
Only other news is, candy, candy and more candy. Still working, though not as much as I had the past two weeks. I'm kinda burned out making candy (so I procrastinate more than making it. Really need to curb that so I can get stuff done. I mean, I was packing out 128ish pieces a day, now I'm lucky if I get 12 done >.<) I know that after the show I'm going to live on WoW. Well, that and writing. Muses have been dropping by to say hi and give me pointers for future BMFM chapters. I just wish they'd help me through the chapter I'm on so I can GET to the other chapters. But, meh, right now I can't really afford to write. But, it is good the muses have returned, especially at work.
Other than that, not too much (probably forgetting something but it must not have been too important. Or, it was and I'll remember it later, when I least expect it. Like the random story idea that hits you when you're in the shower and leaves before you can get to something to jot it down.) Probably should get back to candy making. I have some penpens sitting here waiting for their chests and bodies to be filled in. That'll make 12 pieces done in a bit over an hour . . . not a good rate for me >shakes head< Not at all.