- so a Japanese-American, born of Japanese parents - grows up to be a Japanese, not an American." From an article in the LA Times, beginning of February 1942. I couldn't help but think when I read that line, from the book I just finished, Manzanar, by John Armor and Peter Wright how easily in this day and age we've taken the word 'Japanese' and replaced it with 'Muslim.' . . . Kinda makes you think, eh?
Right now I'm on a sort of companion book: And Justice For All by John Tateishi, written from oral histories of people from places like Manzanar, one of America's concentration camps (conveniently called 'relocation centers' so people of that time wouldn't think of them of the kind of concentration camps run by the Germans or Soviets and, thankfully, the American's didn't go to such extremes.) I found the books when I was killing time before Fuzzy's last NASA talk at the library. Very interesting, to say the least. Especially when you read first hand accounts of how America treated its citizens in a time of unchecked racism and governmental blunders that basically said that, in war, the Constitution is null and void. Looking at what's going on now its little different, except the government learned from one mistake. If you want to intern people during a 'war' make sure you do it on land not owned by the US. That way the Constitution really can't apply and anything can happen without recourse. Not sure what I'm talking about, either check out those books or
this link to an article about the Yellow Peril. But, that's a different rant. Now time for a report on the craft shows.
Friday was fairly busy. We almost made the space. We didn't realize we would have so much space so we had to improvise and let the person that adjoined us on one edge use part of one space to fill the gap. Even with the dolly up there one of the older crafters, with a cane, still moved the dolly which was keeping people from going between our space and the one next to us (especially where the person, I found out Saturday was from MA, didn't show, leaving four spaces behind us open) and tripping over the extension cord. Even when I put a DO NOT MOVE sign on both sides, it didn't work. When I put a chair behind the dolly he finally got the message and stopped (this was on Saturday just before the show closed.) Oh well. Saturday we sold even more and made up for the space and a bit over. I was surprised. All my Xmas candy (except a few penpens and one or two of the pretzel rods) sold out completely. So now it's back to candy making. Considering I thought we had four weeks and found out we had only two it means basically nothing but candy making. Which also means I'll probably burn out by the time the other show comes along. I will, at least, have about a month and a half to get the Valentine candy done and, if I can, the St. Patrick's candy too. Easter if I'm REALLY enterprising.
Where I open, and made one batch (6 pieces) of gingerbread men, after getting a VERY late start, it's time for bed >.< Of course, it didn't help that I started watching propaganda films from the US about the Japanese and the idiots who tried to voice their opinions on it (some were really sane and rational, others . . .well, it's obvious why racism is alive and well today.)