-- Reminder: Official game start is this coming Saturday, May 7th. Any reserves left unfilled after game start will only last one week, so be sure to get those apps in! Also, if you app a character after game start, feel free to make an individual character intro post for them (you don't have to tag into the cr ffa).
+ For anyone not in the know, we do have an IRC channel. The information is on the
contact page. It's a very good place to drop in and get to know other players and ask questions if you want a one-on-one response. Everyone is welcome!
+ The first game-wide event will start on Wednesday, May 11th. On Wednesday, every character in Tyrol will receive an invitation to a masquerade at the house of a wealthy (NPC) noble within the city. The noble intends (and will make clear in the invitation) for Others to mingle with humans at the masquerade; the masked part is to keep their identities a (somewhat) secret, while the humans can get the thrill of knowing they're dancing or drinking with something inhuman. Obviously this will not jive with everyone, could be a trap, a bloodbath, etc. React at will~
The actual masquerade will occur on Saturday, May 14th.