Aug 01, 2007 12:26
If you don't know or care about knitting, move along. If you do, please help me!
I'm feeling really stupid.
I want to do English Moss Stitch (Seed Stitch), but I can't figure it out.
The instructions are very simple:
For an even number of stitches:
R1: (K1, P1) rep to end
R2: (P1, K1) rep to end
However, I can't figure out where the yarn goes after each stitch. The yarn is at the back after I do a knit stitch, but at the front after I do a purl. So it's not in the right place for the next stitch.
Do I just carry it around to the other side before doing the next stitch?
I was getting weird loopiness happening when I tried it before, but I think I might've been accidently doing a yarn over and ending up with an extra stitch.