Jul 26, 2003 18:45
The anti christ has gone.
My skin is finally returning back to normal.
However , I do believe that several australian witches are stalking me.
This morning I found them camped outside of my hotel suite.
I must prevail despite the terrible misfortunes which have been bestowed apon me. I will survive!
My life is begining to resemble something of a greek tradgedy.
This afternoon I went to the sydney opera house for a production of hamlet.
No one was there , I was left along in the theatre with my toy kermit doll.
A care taker found me and assumed I was in the production.
He literly pushed me back stage where I met a muggle named John Bell who yelled at me and said I had'nt been taking care of my costume properly.
Apparently , he mistook ,me for an actor. It's only natural I suppose , I do have a lot of stage prescene and charisma.
To make a long story short I was forced to play Hamlet's under study , on the one night the muggle actor got food poisening and was forced to retreat back stage.
I played Hamlet.
In front of six hundred people.
And we will never speak of it again.