
Oct 26, 2003 15:10

If I find out that Danny Sharp somehow weasels his way out of being a pirate for Halloween, I am going to sob brokenly and hysterically in front of the entire church while clutching at his shirt and screaming, "How could you?!"

This of course presupposes the idea that the entire church has suddenly become both blind and deaf. Along those lines, the above statement about Dan/pirate/Halloween will only make sense if you're me, Amy, Hannah, Dan, or anyone related to us. Or unless you actually know Dan Sharp, in which case you must agree that he would make a perfect pirate, damn it!

So, very interesting moment in Sunday School this morning... For those of you who don't know, Kim Leonard is going out with David Larter and they are a sickeningly sweet couple. David's in the Navy. That detail is, in fact, important.

We're all sitting around the table in her dining room and Mrs. Boice turns to Kim and says, "So how's the seaman?"

Only that's not how she said it. She said it like it was plural. So what I, Amy, Kim, and probably a couple other people heard was...

"So how's the semen?"

There was a pause, and Kim got this kind of funny look on her face that I'm pretty sure mirrored the ones on mine and Amy's, and then she said, "Oh - you mean David. He's fine."

I almost died. That is something I dearly hope never happens again. Later on, when Amy was walking me to nursery after Sunday School got out, she said, "Um, during Sunday School - when Mrs. Boice asked Kim how David was, did you-"


"Oh good, so it wasn't just me."

"Nope. I was totally like, 'did she just say...?' "

"Yeah. And Kim kind of paused for a bit there..."

guys, church

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