master list?

Feb 12, 2012 23:10

So I've been thinking - lots of authors out there have a fanfic master list, for convenience of their readers, and I...don't. And this journal has been a mix of personal and fannish since its beginning, so I've never quite seen the need, but I also realize that my fanfic tag is not fully comprehensive. So:

I've also been considering putting all my stuff up on AO3, in addition to hosting it on LJ or fandom-specific sites. (All my Harry Potter fics are hosted in multiple locations, and 50-75% of all my fic is also on FFN, but...AO3 is seriously that much better, you know? And I'd like the chance to grammar-edit some of the older stuff.) I don't know. On one hand, it seems worth doing; on the other hand, slightly frivolous. Thoughts?

fandom, fanfic, writing, poll, icon: commas

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