Dear Yellowtail wine: I tried, I really did. And it was all right! But I'm just not that into you.

Feb 11, 2012 00:11

You guuuuuys. I still love my job, even though sometimes it gets way boring, and entering data on a 1980s black screen with aquamarine and neon green text gets old way fast. This week I got to interact face-to-face with a PhD student! (This is way more impressive when you realize that 1) I was probably at least 4 years younger than said student, but nonetheless functioning as an authority figure; and 2) it was the day after we hosted a massive Super Bowl party and I was, uh, not feeling or looking my best.) This encounter has led me to develop a theory: that, when two individuals are present in the same location, the one who is better- or more professionally-dressed will be perceived as older and/or become the authority figure by default.

Obviously there are some caveats regarding the ages of said individuals; I'm sure this theory of mine will be quickly disproved, but it was fun while it lasted.

Also! We got a cat! This is Fern:

She is originally our friend Susie's cat, but due to a variety of circumstances Susie was sadly looking for a new home for her, and we were more than happy to oblige. Fern is named after neither Fern Arable or Fern Gully (which, I'll totally admit, I did not know until just now that Fern Gully is the name of the movie and not actually the name of the main character). In my head!canon, her full name is Inferno, because I am a strange, strange person. (Matt's vote was for Furnace, fwiw.) Should we ever get a second cat, I am totally campaigning for him to be named Dante.

What? I'm a literature nerd.

icon: joie, work, matt, marriage, happy things

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