no life.

May 21, 2004 17:23

the one day there is no rowing, and there is nothing that i have to do, i don't know what to do.

Its all quite sad really...i complain about rowing taking away my life, but once i do have a day off i have nothing to do. soooo sadddddddd.

so, we were held hostage at school today, which was interesting. what else happened? it was senior skip day, so a lot of my classes were empty, well actually just spanish, which was interestingggg. i did all my homework that was due today in school and it stressed me out. peter was a douche bag and actally aknowleged our presence today (gasp) and ended the short convo with "I ALWAYS have a good time." yeah, if you count running cars into trees and ending up in hospitals fun, then yes, peter, you get ALL the fun. take it, its yours. i had a gay sub in hepner that was freaking out.... he goes "AHHH if theres a TORNADO shouldn't we OPEN the windows?" i was like "yeah if you wanna get the classroom douched with rainwater, be my guest...freak" and then the bell rings and i book it. ahahahahahaha i hate wierdo subs. i miss steve howsen (sp?) subbing, he never made us do anything, thats a quality sub.

nooo rowinnggg, what to do? i feel so lost. and its making me sad.
im gonna go ponder about my life for a while.

much lurrrve,
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