Chapter 4: Castle Oblivion Translation Notes
+’replica project.’-project, plan, scheme. 計画。Can’t remember what the localisation uses, and I like project.
+’ that is to say, he’s ‘nobody’.”’-lost in translation! When people speak of Nobodies in KH, they use the katakana of the English word: ノーバディ。However, sometimes, when they are waxing poetic or making puns, they use a proper Japanese translation of the word:「誰でもない者」, ‘someone that is no one’, or, ‘nobody’. So… it kind of fails in English, cause we use that word anyway.
+’ “Hey. You’d really do it, wouldn’t you. But I have hope! Keep me company!” 「もう。やる気かね。よかろう!相手をしてやろう!」I DUNNO. Vexen’s old man talk is really hard for me. ;___;
+ ‘Riku=Replica’. This is the way it’s written in the book...
+ ‘Princess Kairi’ プリンセスカイリ。This is interesting. Does Axel know Kairi as the Princess of his home world…? Or is this just a nickname he has given her…?
+ Uh, no.’-あら、違うわよ。XDD;;
+’Sora and this doll will come to love you’-あんたのことを大好きになってくれる。’daisuki’ literally means something like, ‘really like’… but ‘daisuki!!’ means ‘I love you!!’, so. Idk.
+’ “But-all I can do is rearrange fragments of memories. I can’t rearrange things that aren’t already there.” “You mean, as long as the data’s there, you can make anything you like from it?” asked Axel.’-strange… still not sure how canon this concept is.
+’ Let us inform the Superior’. Superior = 指導者。A synonym for ‘rabbi’… which had me double-taking. LOL Inform the rabbi?? Who the hell is that?? *scrolls down the dictionary* Ohhhh
+’ “Not quite-”’-なかなかやるではないか。Perhaps something like ‘When are you going to get serious?’ might also…? I don’t knoooow.
+Taking this opportunity to say I HATE VEXEN’S SPEECH. It is all meander-y and old man-y and horrible. And it translates corny-y and HORRIBLE. :C
+’ fell on his ass’-尻餅。
+’ “senior.” -先輩。In Japanese social structure, elders are always betters. In high school, for example, those of lower grades always address those of higher grades with a special tag, ‘sempai’. It’s like ‘kun’ and ‘chan’ and ‘sama’ and those tags. It’s not only in school, though; in sports, and in the workforce they do it, too. Vexen often talked about his seniority deserving respect… and here it is. The proper, respectful address.
+’ snuggling against Axel’-アクセルにしなだれかかり. Oh Larxene~
+Ahh they are all PIMPS I tell you.