(no subject)

Oct 01, 2004 04:03


oadfkjdsaljfasljf asakfj FUCKING GUESS

NICK from fucking TERROR

YES that's right. fucking Nick from Terror just called me. oh. my. god.

yea, i'm acting like a freaking moron right now. why? BECAUSE I CAN. hahahaha.

today was, amazing. Joel came over just to hang before i left, then ended up wanting to come. so he, Emily, and I picked up Daaron and Chrissy then drove to Clevo. got split up, watched some band on the other stage, then realized fucking TERROR was on the main stage.

so Joel and I ran over and when we hit the back of the crowd we were like "fuuuuck this" and plowed through. the mosh was nuts. ended up bowling through the pit. i couldn't help it, it was fucking Terror. and their set fucking owned. KILLER finish.

then Black Dahlia Murder was up. a few people weren't impressed, but i was. fo' sho'. wickedly intense set.

for Unearth, though, Joel and I bowled our way to the front. as soon as they came out... every restriction known was pulverized. i fucking love metal. i've never head-banged so much in my life, or punched so many people. it felt so good. i want to bring my uncle dave with me next time they come into town. the lead guitarist pulled me up and licked my face, then blew me a kiss later on, hahaha. they ripped that place a new asshole.

afterwards these two massive metal-heads, older and covered with tattoos, approached me and grabbed my arms saying "dude, you're hardcore. i was like 'woah'. seriously, that was so great to see." SHYES those guys were so tite.

but NOTHING, i mean NOTHING beats huge Frank coming up to me as we were walking out, pointing, and says "is that a homemade Terror shirt?"

me - (quivers with fear) "... yes ..."

Frank - (nods and points up) "that's what i thought. come upstairs, bring your friends. you can come hang with Terror."



so we went upstairs, and i found out that Nick had told Frank to find me. HAH. so that was tons of laughs, bouncer being a douche for underage drinking, getting out of it, shots, Frank being the funniest angry man ever, meeting EVERYONE, laughing with the guitarist from Unearth because he was like "hey i licked your face!!", talking to Unearth's singer, cute moments pouring from tough guys, and just hanging with everyone, talking about how this is what hardcore is all about. getting out, ripping up clubs, and meeting the people you impact.

what does it result in? Chrissy and I getting fucking VIP and GUEST LIST spots for tomarrow's show in Pittsburg!!

i'll admit. it made me a little sad. kinda hurt, actually. the deep kind of pain when your foundations are shaken a little. but, they're human beings, not gods, you know? everything in the world is tarnished, and you have to know that. i think Chrissy knows what i'm talking about. i'm sure.

tomarrow is going to be fucking fantastic, on the phone Nick said we're definitely on the guest list. we'll take care of each other. aren't you glad i got over myself and made you come girl? hahaha

i'm spent, have school at 7:30, and am drinking my special hot tea.

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