going_boldly Jan 11, 2011 20:32
hatter/alice, fluff, character study, humor, introspection, syfy's alice, david hatter, schmoop, alice hamilton
going_boldly Nov 14, 2010 04:32
crossover, humor, syfy's alice, gen, charlie the white knight, crack
going_boldly Sep 15, 2010 23:07
reality is unrealistic, fluff, character study, humor, syfy's alice, david hatter, gen, alice hamilton
going_boldly May 18, 2010 21:37
hatter/alice, charlie the white knight, character study, humor, syfy's alice, david hatter, ratty, ten things, alice hamilton
going_boldly May 13, 2010 11:43
humor, david hatter, syfy's alice, fic: down the plot hole, crack, alice hamilton
going_boldly May 11, 2010 16:35
reality is unrealistic, humor, jack heart, fic: down the plot hole
going_boldly May 03, 2010 23:50
crossover, humor, david hatter, syfy's alice, crack, alice hamilton
going_boldly May 02, 2010 08:23
humor, david hatter, syfy's alice, introspection, ratty, missing scene, character study
going_boldly May 01, 2010 18:49
humor, david hatter, syfy's alice, introspection, romance, alice hamilton, character study
going_boldly Jan 29, 2010 00:52
crossover, humor, gen, crack, james t. kirk