Jul 29, 2003 11:02
Dear People Who Think Their Life Sucks,
Shut up.
I look ridiculously too young for my age, girls don't like me (except for annoying and disgusting high school skanks), and I live in Toccoa Fucking Georgia, the worst place in the world.
Also, I'm a CS major, which automatically tacks me as a huge geek.
Plus, I have a fat face.
My skin itches from sunburn peeling, and my skin on my right middle finger is really dry and annoying.
I have annoying freckles.
A really ugly pizza face girl called me ugly once.
OH, here's another one...I wash DISHES and COOK FOOD as a job. FOR SOUTHERN BAPTISTS.
But yet, I still manage to smile every once in a while and think, "Damn, I love to play Playstation."
So shut up and be happy.
And if that doesn't work, there's always masturbation...God's little way of saying that it's gonna be alright.