Jun 01, 2005 14:31
GodDAMN I hate American police-of-the-internet anti everything. Now they’re targeting BitTorrent? What, because of four and a half people out there who actually ever use it??
“CNN reported today that Federal agents have launched a campaign on users of BitTorrent Software used to steal data files from the internet.” -GameSpy
Yup, you read it right - apparently, people having been stealing from the internet. Well, I’m sure Internet has been hurt by the whole process and is now sitting in a pile of smashed crockery, weeping over the loss of its treasured possessions.
“BitTorrent gained attention last week when it was discovered that the latest addition in the Star Wars series, Revenge of the Sith, was available for free downloads before the movie was released. Within 24 hours, Revenge of the Sith was downloaded more than 10,000 times.” -GameSpy
I’ll admit - I did this with The Matrix: Reloaded. You know why? Because I DIDN’T PARTICULARLY WANT TO SEE IT. I just wanted to know what all the fuss was about. If I hadn’t downloaded it? I probably would never have seen it. I’d be in exactly the same boat as I am now, except I wouldn’t be able to join in with the “Wasn’t that movie a load of cod shite” conversations.
Maybe I would have borrowed someone’s DVD of it. Oh wait, that’s sharing.
These early releases are usually shit quality recorded in a cinema - and downloads of a movie pirated before it even hits the big screen are going to be mostly rushes. I did it with the first resident evil movie - you could see the boom in half of the shots. My point is one that has been made many times before. There are very, VERY few people out there who genuinely like a film that would favour a downloaded leak over seeing the movie in a cinema or buying a DVD. I used to download computer games. Why? I never had any money. Now I buy them Why? Because I have money to spend on them.
“In the raids conducted on Wednesday, officials targeted top members of a network based on BitTorrent. As a result, Elitetorrents.org, which was used to coordinate the activities, was shut down.” -GameSpy
A raid?! They were raided?! As in, raided raided?? This worries me. Where will America decide to draw the line? Imagine the scene - a fourteen year old boy sits quietly pleasuring himself when a size twelve army boot beats his bedroom door out of existence. The boy looks in abject fear from the pirated Jenna Jameson porno video playing on his screen only to stare down the barrel of a well-oiled M16.
Okay - in all likelihood, that would never happen. And if it did it would probably be being filmed by a greasy old man in a dirty vest with think, NHS glasses.
And the way the RIAA (Read: America’s internet police) used figures to make us feel sorry for the recording industry. “Sony has lost four million dollars, whatever are we to do?” Really? Well poor; old; Sony. Poor old Britney Spears being forced to live in a trailer in Beverley Hills. I’m sure plenty of recording artists can’t make ends meet anymore. I know I’ve seen Red Hot Chili Peppers, and they couldn’t even afford shoes! Or shirts for that matter. I bet Revenge of the Sith producers are kicking themselves in the bollocks over the ten thousand illegal copies that got downloaded. They probably won’t even bother releasing a DVD now.
“Whatever are we to do with our projected sales of four million in the first ten minutes - there’s illegal copies of a shitty early version with poor post-production work! Throw all that bonus content in the bin, and those collectables, and all the rest of the Star Wars franchise! We’re done for!!”
*makes funny little angry noises, as if all the swear words in existence are trying to get out of his mouth at the same time, getting all jammed up*
All I’m saying is that far from destroying the entertainment industry, internet piracy has just made it more accessible for the masses. It already did it with music, so the RIAA can shut the fuck up.
How much does a track cost to download? 69p
How much did a single used to cost? Five quid
Who do we have to thank for this? I’ll give you a clue - not the RIAA.