[fic] Adventures In Het

Mar 14, 2009 07:59

That's right--HET. Crazy, huh? Hadn't written het in years and years and hadn't planned to for a good long time (unless in the form of m/f/m menage. but is that truly het?). But a recent RP scenario ended up piquing my and gogodgene 's interests. After playing around with a sex-swapped character, we decided to do something really different (for us) and write the sex-swapped sex scene. It was a blast! It was aggressive, violent, bloody, so damn hot, and pinged us to immediately write more. Only this time, s/he became a full-on she and evolved into an entirely new character. So marked the first time Gogo and Gogod wrote het sex together--not to mention the first time Gogo had ever written het from the female's perspective. These be milestones! Seriously.

So consider the following snippet a writing and editing exercise. Gogod and I spend so much time adding description and defining characteristics to our characters. While looking over what we'd written with our het pairing recently, I decided to edit out much of the character description.

There are no names, only "he" and "she," "his" and "hers." There's very little description of them physically. All we're sharing here is that he is a man who is strong in mind and body. She's shown to have long hair, a near-insatiable appetite for sex, and isn't exactly human. What is she? Who knows! We haven't quite figured that out. Yet. >:D

Again, if you read, please regard this as a writing exercise. Comments and feedback are welcome of course. Just figured it was high time Gogo posted some fic, one way or another. Gogo and Gogod will be posting more of these, including "his" scenes, in our writing journal before too long. Enjoy?

Author: Gogo (part of a series with gogodgene )
Characters: Him and Her
Length: Short scene
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Cursing, m/f sex, blood play

The kiss...

There was nothing sweet or sensual in that kiss, which was why she wanted it in the first place. It was hot, wet, hungry, and uniquely satisfying. Lips locked and tongues tangled as fanged teeth drew blood. He had bitten her first! He deserved it.

And they both knew he liked it.

She liked it as well; liked it too much for her own good. It had been nearly twelve hours since their fierce and frenzied "first time." The bruised and breathless nymph had managed to lick her rapidly healing wounds before blissfully falling into a climax-fueled cat nap. Two hours later found her wide awake and already craving more. More biting, licking, scratching, and writhing. More blood. More fucking. More of him. That raw, primal coupling had been one of the hottest bouts of sex she'd ever experienced; one she couldn't wait to repeat.

And here she was, moaning and mewling, eyes glazed, hips rocking, with his cock buried deep inside of her. Clawed fingers tore into the mattress, hoping to gain a bit of purchase in order to give as good as she was getting.

"Damn," she growled, though she was anything but displeased.

After a moment of simply relishing the feeling of being fucked, and fucked hard, the imp gave a sharp nip to his lips and pushed herself into a sitting position. Long, lustrous hair hung like a curtain in front of one glowing eye and trailed across the rippled contours of his torso. A toss of the head sent the silky strands up and over her shoulder to tickle his thighs and small of her back.

"Pull your legs up some more."

It wasn't a request. She facilitated the action by leaning back and grabbing just under his knees. His thighs now gave her a bit of back support, and his cock was angled just right. The hell-cat spread her legs farther and looked down at her clit. Damn, but didn't it look delicious? Like a sexy little strawberry; so swollen and succulent, so red and juicy.

She licked her lips and blew him a kiss.

"You're one hell of a fuck." Which was one hell of a compliment, coming from someone--or something--like her. "Your cock feels so good inside me."

The throaty, sexy groan that followed tapered into an insidious chuckle.

"A girl could really get used to this."

With that, the nymph planted her right hand atop his left knee and used the leverage to meet each thrust, to ride his cock for all it was worth. Full hips rocked back and forth, undulating in a sensuous circle as she moved her body to work his throbbing length.

Her left hand scratched at his stomach, drawing fresh blood. The red, dripping claws soon found their way to her mouth, but not before she drizzled some of the hot, sticky fluid between her breasts and smeared it, like crimson warpaint, over her pale nipples.

to be continued...

fiction, nc-17, byn-safe, het

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