My name is blue canary, one note spelled: L-I-T-E

Nov 26, 2008 09:57

But yet not. *grins* Anyway, it seems pretty self-explanatory that the gogo formerly known as gogochan is now gogosama . Why?

For starters, it was time for a change. Also, gogo is way too old snobbish self-important vain mature (*wink*) to be a "chan" anymore. Ok, fine, gogo is somewhat snobbish and referring to oneself as "sama" is definitely self-important (but not as grandiose as when gogo wrote a column under the pen name "The Countess," eh?). But gogo is also the first to poke fun at her spoiled, princess self (with gogodgene  being a close second). So, don't take it too seriously. The LJ handle will probably change again in due time, most likely to something outrageously vain. For those of you who actually refer to gogo as gogo-sama... *grins* Very flattering, though the title of respect is hardly deserved. ((And just for the record, writing as "The Countess" was not gogo's idea. Seriously!))

More importantly... lcpdragonslayer  and that_indian_guy 's package arrived from NZ!! And...and...and... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! The gifts are adorable and just perfect! You two rock so hard! The Batman pin could not be cuter and is already affixed to gogo's big black Prada purse. And it looks DAMN GOOD there! LCP--your card was so sweet. Thank you for that as well. Tigger--gogo is slightly disappointed that your card did not include naked pictures of you, or any erotic art. Woe. But the gifts were fabulous, and gogo is muchly happy. Hearts to you both~

And, finally, to make post even shinier, here's a gorgeous drawing of Aziraphale from Good Omens that gogodgene  drew for gogo.

Gogod took a popular drabble meme and turned it into a doodle meme. This is her take on Aziraphale as a "Protective Character," while he was still the Guardian Angel of the East Gate of Eden (note the "impressive," as Crowley said, flaming sword.) And the wings! Pretty damn good for just a "doodle," eh? Gogod's arts are amazing~

She's also got a really badass Muguruma Kensei and a sexy, sleepy Hisagi Shuuhei posted, so go HERE to see them and be sure to tell her how awesome she is!! And maybe request an art for yourself...preferably a character that gogo would also appreciate. *cough*

ALSO... The  Kink Meme is still getting requests! And, someone just fulfilled a Bya/Renji request!! Awesome timing, considering Byakuya's reappearance (finally) in the Bleach anime. Read it HERE. Viva la Kink Meme. Please keep it going!

P.S. Gogo will happily do some music swappage with anyone who has the MP3 of Little Birdhouse In Your Soul ((which is obviously running through gogo's head right now like whaooo.)

P.P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to all you Yanks, and a lovely week and weekend to everyone else. xoxo

friends, gogod, aziraphale, good omens

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