whippin' out the character meme~

Feb 27, 2008 08:09

People have stopped tagging for gogo for memes cuz she never does 'em. Well, not never. Rarely. It's cool. Am not so much the type to talk about meself much in the LJ, though gogo's characters have NO problem caring and sharing with the F-list. In fact, they were slightly miffed at not being tagged by
davyn  in the first place. Especially Dante...

Speaking of Dante... Will probably do this meme for Dante and Byakuya in separate posts, since each insisted on having the icon bear his likeness. Egomaniacal much??

(tagged by
gogodgene. the first Dante response is for her canon Vergil.)

1. Choose a few of your own characters.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself!!
4. Then tag three people.

Who are you? Dante Sparda (DMC3)

Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yeah. Got a twin brother--Vergil. He's the serious, studious one. I'm the good looking one. *grins*

How old are you? 19

What's your height? Probably about 6'1". Depends on what boots I'm wearing.

Are you a virgin? *slaps leather-covered leg and chuckles* Ha! That's a good one. Do I look like a virgin to you? Wait, wait... What's this about Vergil bein' a virgin? Hooo! I knew it! He's so frigid. That's ok. I get enough for the both of us.

Who's your mate/spouse? Verge and I don't really see eye to eye. But he's my twin brother... Even if I have to kill him, he'll always be my soul mate.

Do you have any kids? *looks worried* Shit, I hope not...

What's your favourite food? PIZZA. And strawberry sundaes. And pizza! I'm absolutely crazy about it.

Have you killed anyone? I'm a devil hunter, ain't I? *cheeky grin. points at the wall behind his desk.* Those skulls and demon pelts didn't skin themselves.

Do you hate anyone?  I hate that Vergil's gotten so obsessed with power. What the hell is he trying to prove, anyway? Looks like I'm gonna have to beat some sense into him.

Have any secrets? A few...

Do you love anyone? My mom... *nods at the photo of Eva that's always on his desk.* And my fucking brother.

What is your job? Devil hunter, Dante, at your service.

Boy or girl? I like fast women. And men with guts and honor.

What do you do to relax? Slay some demons, shoot some pool, take a nap, hang around strip clubs, flirt, rock out with my cock out~ Oh, and annoy the hell outta Vergil.

There's a person who's teasing you; what could you do? Tease 'em right back! I was born to banter, baby! *shrugs* And if I get bored, I'll just shoot 'em. *makes a show of twirling Ebony and Ivory.*

Let’s say you have a person who you really care about but she/ he doesn’t know about your feelings. How do you tell her/him? I'm a pretty straight-forward kinda guy. If I want something, I go for it. And if I want someone...? Ha. Who could resist this? *turns a slow circle, showing off his half-naked physique* Hmm... And then there's Vergil. The only way to get through to my brother is to run him through with Rebellion.

Do you like your maker? I love my mom. *clutches Eva's photo to his ches.* And I don't have a father...

Who are you? Dante Sparda (DMC4)

Do you have any brothers or sisters? Twin brother--Vergil. Whether its "have" or "had" remains to be seen. I'm hopeful that it's "have." Otherwise, I'll see Verge in Hell soon enough.

How old are you? Old enough, sweetheart.

What's your height? 8 inches, at least. A bit more if ya really get me going... Oh, my height? Ah, sorry. Heheh. That'd be about 6'1".

Are you a virgin? *makes exaggerated sexy eyes* I could be the 40 year old virgin, if you're into kinky role play. Yeah...that's right. C'mere, kid. Show ol' Dante how it's done~ *winks*

Who's your mate/spouse? I'm not exactly a...family man. Women always have to make things so difficult. The bachelor lifestyle suits me just fine.

Do you have any kids? Not that I know of. *glances at Nero.* Uhh... It's not like bearing the blood of Sparda is admissable in court as a paternity test, right? RIGHT?

What's your favourite food? Top, bottom, sideways, against a wall...from every angle, I penetra-- Oh, food? Sorry, was thinking about other ways to nourish the body. Food... Definitely pizza. And booze.

Have you killed anyone? Oh yeah~ The baddest of the bunch always have a knack for comin' back. Which means I get to kill 'em all over again. Except...if Vergil comes back--when he comes back, that is...  *pushes his hair back in an unconscious imitation of Vergil* I'll kick his ass to Kingdom Come, but...I couldn't kill my brother...

Do you hate anyone?  Hate's a strong word. Takes a lotta energy to hate someone. Better just to shoot 'em and be done with it.

Have any secrets? Maybe~ *winks* I got some time to kill. Wanna play Truth or Dare?

Do you love anyone? Spend the night with me and I'll love ya long-time. Cha-ching!

What is your job? These days, it seems to be whatever Lady doesn't have the balls to handle. And I don't mean those round, bouncy things on her chest.

Boy or girl? I'm not just a ladies man, I'm a man's man!

What do you do to relax? Kick back, catch up on my "reading," drink some booze, slay some demons, get laid. Same old, same old. ...Just wish I had Vergil around to annoy. Never thought I'd miss that cold stare and disapproving tone of his so much.

There's a person who's teasing you; what could you do? Well, what kinda tease are we talkin' about? Verbal tease? Cock tease? Either way, I'll just ignore ya, or...give as good as I get. Until...In the end, we are all satisfied.

Let’s say you have a person who you really care about but she/ he doesn’t know about your feelings. How do you tell her/him? Uh...I usually engage them in...sword play... *goes back to reading his porno mag.*

Do you like your maker?  My parents? Or do ya mean Capcom? *folds arms across his chest* I got a bone or two to pick with Capcom. How 'bout showin' some of the ass I'm supposed to be gettin', huh? And if I'm gonna "whip it out" and "thrust it in," why am I wearing more layers than I did in the past three games combined? Somethin' don't add up, here. And don't get me started on this Nero kid... The little punk...

Who are you? Dante Sparda (from

Do you have any brothers or sisters?  I've got a twin brother who tries to act like a "big brother." Pfft. He treats me like a kid, but he's only a few minutes older.

How old are you? 26

What's your height? I'm taller than Vergil. I've got the bigger cock, too. Ha ha.

Are you a virgin? *grins like the Chesire Cat* Are you hittin' on me?

Who's your mate/spouse? Hey, now... Don't ya think this is movin' a bit fast? I like you and all, but...I'm not ready to settle down just yet.

Do you have any kids? These two beauties are my babies. *pulls Ebony and Ivory from the holster on his back and gives both guns a big, wet kiss*

What's your favourite food? Pizza! And strawberry sundaes from the Double Dip Malt Shop. Rangiku makes 'em just the way I like, with lots of whipped cream.

Have you killed anyone? *shrugs* It's all in a day's work. A bounty's a bounty, whether I bring 'em in dead or alive.

Do you hate anyone? I hate the evil bastards that killed Mom and kidnapped Vergil. Those dickless, pathetic cowards think they can fuck with my family? I don't care what Vergil or my father says. I'll be the one to find those punks. And when I do...

Have any secrets? Wanna shoot some pool? *smirks*  Win the game and I'll tell you a secret...over dinner. Your treat.

Do you love anyone? My mom. Always. And I love Vergil, even when I hate him. But that's family. Beyond that... Pay off my debts and I'll love ya forever~

What is your job? Licensed bounty hunter. Private dick. (well, not always so private.) Owner and operator of Devil May Cry. You got some work for me? 'Cause I could really use the dough...

Boy or girl? *drops leather trousers to proudly show off his manhood* Any questions? Or do ya need a...closer look?

What do you do to relax? Bet on the bangtails, throw some dice, head to the Double Dip for ice cream, or toss back a jorum or two at the Black Cat Lounge. Come Saturday night, chances are I'll be pumpin' metal or pitchin' woo. Both if I'm lucky.

There's a person who's teasing you; what could you do? Turn the teasin' into pleasin'...if ya know what I mean.

Let’s say you have a person who you really care about but she/ he doesn’t know about your feelings. How do you tell her/him? Hmm...I dunno. Guess I'll have to blow up that bridge when I get to it.

Do you like your maker?  Who, gogo? *smirks* Yeah. For a broad, she's not so bad. At least she ain't no ditzy dame. Or a prude. Though she needs to stop fussin', and start writin'. Hells bells! Gogo thinks more than Vergil does. At this rate, I'm never gonna get laid...

Whew! That's a lotta Dante. A'ight... gogo tags
shizukashadow &
lcpdragonslayer. (yeah, that's more than three, but...who cares? The frickin' meme police?) Do it, do it!

((Dante belongs to Capcom. All ficcage and rp exploits are only for fun, not financial gain.))

hardboiled, dante, lolz, dmc, rpg, meme

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