where :: Johnny Sprockets Bike Shop
3001 North Broadway Street, Chicago, IL - #773.244.1079
http://johnnysprockets.com/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2wyMNWTwmk what :: GoldSprints. Or: Pedaling a stationary bike connected to a computer-monitored system for a measured amount of distance, at your own greatest speed for up to 30 seconds, in a race against another bike-mounted opponent, with intent to out-rank other contestants.
Sounds easy enough, right? Yeaaaaah......
when :: JOHNNY SPRINTS RACE 3 - Wednesday, 14 January 2010
Did 2 races again, and dropped my time on my start time, and again on my 2nd race :) This was my second time to GoldSprints.
Note :: I'm gunna start titling posts by the Race #, but since I missed the 1st meet, my own actual # of races will be 1 less.
This event was themed for "Costumes", too - I was really the only person in full costume, though there were maybe 3 other people with light accents to their attire to stand out. I wore my "Flash" Girl outfit, and won 1st prize for it ;) I got to pick the next theme ("Hawaiian"!!!! :D ), plus I got a biker hat with "Johnny Sprints" embroidered on the short brim (custom made for this race series! :D kinda cool).
And, again, It was crazy fun :D lol
Picts to come, if I can find any...
1st race = 26.53 seconds
2nd race = 24.09 seconds - ranked 58th overall for the evening
1st race = 18.44 seconds
2nd race = 17.76 seconds - ranked 14th overall for the evening
Overall Ranking & Results for Best Times of Each Racer
GoldSprints points series is underway. Congrats to the winners so far. Watch out for an announcement regarding the next race. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for top three men and women at every race. Grand prizes will be awarded to series winners. Open to all and B.Y.O.B.
Abraham is listed in "Men"; I'm listed as "Molly L" under "Women".
x-posted to my singingmollusk account as well