Aug 15, 2011 12:55
I know I said I'd try to be around here more. I'm failing at that. Main problems being that there isn't that much of excitement to report, and most of what I COULD talk about is kinda shitty. Not in a "oh my god my life sucks entirely" kinda way, but would it ever come across that way.
Ok, a little of that too, I can't say just walking off and disappearing isn't rather tempting right now, for a lot of reasons. Which, I found out, is exactly what the guy who replaced my windows years back, and then broke one and I couldn't get a hold of to replace it when it came in. Found a new window dude, who a) actually replaced the window so there isn't a 1 inch gap covered in painters tape so it's not almost totally open to the elements anymore, and b) knew previous window dude and said "oh, yeah, this and this happened and then he just skipped out on everyone and no one knows where he went."
Oh, and my mother tried to break her leg (again) today. They're off at urgent care at the moment trying to find out just how badly she fucked up her knew THIS time- this knee has been a major issue for months but she hasn't gone to a doctor for it (with somewhat understandable reasons, last doctor she went to for the broken arm/hand made things worse, not better).
Mostly I've been spending my time cleaning and throwing shit away- their office, that they haven't used in years but we've had rented out, has had serious major what-the-fuck-were-you-thinking-not-telling-us-anything-about-it-you-asshole issues, the current renter is so very gone the end of this month (which was as fast as it could be with notice, etc.) but the person he was subletting to...without our permission, being allowed in the lease, telling us, anything, is staying on, and seems to be more reasonable (the not telling us the roof was falling off and there were huge leaks, and the subletting, being only two of the many and varied reasons he is best gotten rid of, and would have been years ago had anyone actually been around to deal with ANY of this shit instead of being at the other place dealing with all of that shit). So so so so SO many dead trees died for my mother's yearly updating lawbooks, I spent many a childhood hour doing the trained monkeywork of opening those binders and trading out pages, and now I'm taking them apart to sort between trash and recycling as it ALL GOES. Aside from not actively practicing- internet, yay! You can actually get the updated info now. They're out of date with the last supplements anyway. I'm on a break at the moment as I can't get into the room with the next chunk of things I know what I can do with, as the renter has filled that room with his stuff- mind you, he was ONLY supposed to be in one room, that wasn't that one, as yet another reason he's so gone (we don't even know how the fuck he got a key to the rooms he started using).
See? That's just the tip of the depressing iceberg. There is also all sorts of this and that and pains in the ass, and it's kind of horrible but it's not actually the end of the world and talking about it just makes it all seem like my life is horrible, which it really isn't. So, yeah. If I ever have some not whinging to talk about, I'll do that, because you really don't need to hear about the roof replacements and the cleaning, forever. It's also kind of boring as shit to talk about, so, there you go.