Rip roarin' good time

May 16, 2004 22:00

BIG NEWS! Okay, so, like I'm all about me some Elijah Wood, right? Okay, his character in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was a little creepy but he still was HAWT. HAWT HAWT HAWT. So then I'm flipping through this month's YM and WHO is inside? Not only Orlando Bloom (also HAWT) but Daniel Radcliffe (rapidly becoming VERY HAWT). And I'm all, well, yeah, my heart belongs to my beloved fuse_sat but ya know it's always fun to like celebrities. So THEN I read this article about Gwynneth Paltrow and her new little Apple and I'm a...

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This is the first time we've been able to update in a while and 10 is using it to talk about CELEBRITIES? Ahem. Yes, I believe I need to step in here. We have some exciting news. The GOES-R conference took place this past week and a plethora of fascinating information was disseminated there. In addition to this, we have had some very interesting weather patterns lately. The African coast is fairly quiet but back in March, a a hurricane popped up on the Brazilian coast. This is a phenomenal event because the South American coast does not have conditions that are generally favorable for hurricane development. I actually watched this storm a bit though it is technically out of my

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Like I was saying... OMG WTF does she think she is just butting in on MY journal entry. Okay, Ms THANG, step on off before I cut you, bizzznatch. SO. I was totally checking out the pix of Orlando Bloom when I turned down a few pages and there was this quiz! And you all know how much I like quizzes. And it was like totally surpr

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I apologize for 10 as she does not seem to have her priorities in order. AS I was SAYING, I was able to see this storm well even though it technically is out of my jurisdiction (I generally do not cover areas that far south). There's a low pressure system currently over the plains states that I'm watching closely. In this time of year, you never know when a system can blow up over night especially since I've also been watching some thermotropic cells that have been popping up over

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WHO CARES about that stuff? These people- the space machines, the humans- they don't CARE about your stupid weather reports, 12. They want to hear about US. What we like and don't like. They want to hear our opinions, not your stupid commentaries on the weather.

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EXCUSE ME, 10, but I'll write about whatever I please. I think weather is interesting. I LOVE weather. Therefore, I will write about it.

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I know something else you love. Want me to tell 'em allllll about your secret crush?

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I'd rather you not. For a "big sister", you act rather juvenile at times. I am getting over my crush. There is no need to discuss this any further. Fine, go talk about your stupid celebrities all you like. I'm done here. No one wants to hear about my 'stupid weather commentary' anyway, apparently.

- GOES-12
East/Atlantic Satellite

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THERE. HAHAHAHAHA. I showed her. What's she doing barging in on my journal entry anyway? HMPH! So where was I? Oh, I forget. But yeah, so that was a good magazine.

Meh. I guess that's all I was gonna say. 12 like so totally ruined my mojo. BUT, I found this meme on kightp's LJ. TAKE IT! TAKE IT!

Post a comment here telling me something you would like to do with me someday.
Then post this in your journal to find out what I want to do with you.
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