An awesome meet in a very secluded venue - a real good find by Rapido this one, I personally preffered the lack of windows and it being below ground, it felt more cosy, less exposed to the passing police horses and tourists, and the bar staff were very cool. Excellent seeing all the usual crowd, too many to name here but as ever I am utterly happy that the London fur meets happen cos I get to hang out with you all! You people are all awesome!
Zomg, I am so full of the joys of.. something... today, I dont know if i should blame my new daily exersise routine for relaseing those endorphins, or if it was spending time with my amazingly cool Neibour on SL - my hovel on the discordia sim was next to this person with a huuuge eye on a stick and a bison outside their house, which i chose cos that view was just awesome - well I finally got to meet the neibour after she left a horses head and an axe in my bed, a very cosa nostra greeting which I responded in kind by putting an undead dragon head on her sofa, never do things by halves. Anyway, one thing led to another and shes one of the coolest people I have met in a long time, intelligent company on SL is hard to find, so this is a definite bonus.
5 days till I start my holiday! Still working on my xmas day menu, need to go gather lots of wine and food at some point - am heading down to slouuugghhhh on sunday to pick up
jocastajackal who is spending the holidays here, and I will be forced to expose her to Costco worship, so maybe ill leave my shopping till then - also must experiment with that garlic n' cheese mash recipie to see if i can do it!
I have my final xmas presents on order, a number of them have not arrived from the states - sadly some of the coolest ones - so I am working on contingency ones from amazon which I hope will arrive in time! Either way ill just deliver the real ones to the appropriate people once they arrive anyway.
Zomg I am so fucking happy today, what is going on... o.o;;