Jan 27, 2022 22:00
Making Sense of the World
ii / Gen. 1 v. 26 - 31
Made in God's image, in His likeness
Rulers, Dominion - given authority & sovereignty
Be fruitful & multiply | Subdue it
- cf
the light
the fish
• 'male & female'
Qu. Stated in a distinctive way, as a separate point...
◘ Note: God gives work to be done before the Fall
* Every Good Endeavor - Tim Keller on work, that work is good
v.31 "it was very good"
Qu. - humanity or the whole of Creation?
Qu. What does it mean to
- to rule? | Sovereignty or stewardship?
... A: What does God's rule look like in Gen. 1?
= Creative. Orderly. In control but not controlling.
- be "fruitful & multiply"?
- "fill the earth" ... & what next?
Qu. What does it mean to be made "in God's image?"
• Rationality | • Morality ?
• Peter's royal priesthood (1 Pet) ?
• (1 Jn) Love as God is Love?
- Reflecting his glory
- Tasked to oversee
v.31 "very good" - a good & right purpose
Underscores the gravity of the schism,
the impact & aftermath of the Fall
When Love came down to earth
And made His home with men,
The hopeless found a hope,
The sinner found a friend
... and humble, hungry hearts
were satisfied again.
study notes,
• genesis,
music & lyrics,
house group