1 Cor 4 | Power, Status & the Cross

Nov 07, 2021 13:00

.1 Cor 4: 6 - 21 / PM

Paul's questions posed:
◘ What makes you so superior?
◘ What do you have that isn't a gift?
◘ Why do you act as if you're self-made?

[ Paul’s rebuke - Gal 3:3 NLT - How foolish can you be?
After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort? ]

1.  Puffed-up  (v. 6 - 10)
- 'collective narcissism';
being better than; the need to push others down

1 Cor 2 Previous themes & teachings:
wisdom / weakness / reliance on the Holy Spirit

1 Cor 3 v.6 I planted the seed in your hearts, & Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow

He chose us (Eph 1)
- Nothing can make us more secure than being in Christ
     ~ holy, chosen, blameless; adopted

*Blameless = amomos | "unblemished"
the same word as for Christ's perfect sacrifice
cf. Heb 9:14, 1 Pet 1:19 / spotless lamb

2. Humble & hard up  (v. 11 - 21)
Puts into contrast the realities of the life they're living

Tribal identity mindset:
Kristin Kobes Du Mez  writing on situation / schism in the US -
" thrived on manufacturing a sense of threat posed by outsiders "
-  in which one only identifies who they are by what they're against

3. The freedoms which come from (2.)
- response should be led by grace, kindness,
 security in God as opposed to a self-made status

• 1 corinthians, htp, • ephesians, • galatians, etymology, sermon notes, holy spirit

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