I. Overviewing Exodus
1. Egypt - the power of God (
1:1 - 15:21)
Enslaved as servants
* Prelude: suffering in Egypt (
1:1 - 7:7)
* Plagues: signs against Egypt (
7:8 - 11:10)
* Passover: salvation in Egypt (
12:1 - 13:16)
* Passage: safe from Egypt (
13:17 - 15:21)
Ch. 15: Song of passage/salvation
of journey & delivery
2. Wilderness - the provision of God (
15:22 - 18:27)
* Provision of needs: water and food (
15:22 - 17:7)
* Protection from threats: external and internal (
17:8 - 18:27)
3. Sinai - the presence of God (
19:1 - 40:38)
Freedom to serve ... Purpose: worship
Ch. 19: Kingdom of priests/royal priesthood
* The covenant made and confirmed (
19:1 - 24:18)
* Instructions for the tabernacle (
25:1 - 31:18)
* The covenant broken and restored (
32:1 - 34:35)
* Construction of the tabernacle (
35:1 - 40:38)
II. Applying Exodus
1. Work as slavery
2. Work as service
3. Work & sabbath
1 - Work as slavery
Israelites as workers in Egypt/denied opportunity to worship
- the lament due to the harshness/oppressive nature of work
2 - Work as service
Working for a lifestyle/
for the weekend/
for leisure & consumerism
3 - Work & sabbath
Working for the work ~ an end itself,
takes over as core identity
It’s not the be all and end all.
Observing the sabbath:
an act of trust (
Rom. 6: 16-23)
1. God's own rhythm in Creation week
2. Manna / temporal state (
Exodus 16: 13 - 26)
"God did not deliver Israel from work.
He set them free for work."
Slavery → Service
Bondage → Bonded to God
Pharoah's construction
→ Building for the tabernacle
Further reading:
Tim Chester: Exodus for you (2016)
Bible Project - 4 short excellent videos on Exodus
Torah series
1 &
2; Old Testament series
1 &
2Theology of work project: “
Exodus & Work"
Seminar: Antony Billington, 27/01/20